hermite.hermint method

Hermite nodes are utilised as matching points for optimising polynomial interpolation, Hermite polynomials are important in approximation theory. NumPy has a function called hermite.hermint() that can be used to integrate the Hermite series in a specific order. It will require two parameters: c, which is an array, and scl, which is a scalar that will be multiplied by the integrated Hermite series before the integration constant is added.

Syntax: hermite.hermint(c,scl)


  • c: an array
  • scl: A scalar value

Return: Hermite series coefficients of the integral.

Example 1

In this example, we will create a one-dimensional NumPy coefficient array with 6 elements and integrate the Hermite series and multiply the result by a scalar with the value -2  before the integration constant.


# import the numpy module
import numpy
# import hermite
from numpy.polynomial import hermite
# Create an array of hermite series
# coefficients with 6 elements
coefficient_array = numpy.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5])
# display array
print("Coefficient array: ", coefficient_array)
# display the dimensions
print("Dimensions: ", coefficient_array.ndim)
# integrate hermite series with scale=2
print(    hermite.hermint(coefficient_array, scl=-2))


Coefficient array:  [1 2 3 4 3 5]

Dimensions:  1

[-90.          -1.          -1.          -1.          -1.

  -0.6         -0.83333333]   

Example 2

In this example, we will create a two-dimensional NumPy coefficient array with 6 elements each and integrate the Hermite series and multiply the result by a scalar with value -1 before the integration constant.


# import the numpy module
import numpy
# import hermite
from numpy.polynomial import hermite
# Create an 2d array of hermite series
# coefficients with 6 elements each
coefficient_array = numpy.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5], 
                                 [4, 5, 6, 4, 3, 2]])
# display array
print("Coefficient array: ", coefficient_array)
# display the dimensions
print("Dimensions: ", coefficient_array.ndim)
# integrate hermite series with scale=-1
print(    hermite.hermint(coefficient_array, scl=-1))


Coefficient array:  [[1 2 3 4 3 5]
 [4 5 6 4 3 2]]
Dimensions:  2
[[-2.   -2.5  -3.   -2.   -1.5  -1.  ]
 [-0.5  -1.   -1.5  -2.   -1.5  -2.5 ]
 [-1.   -1.25 -1.5  -1.   -0.75 -0.5 ]]

Integrate a Hermite series and multiply the result by a scalar before the integration constant is added using NumPy in Python

In this article, we will see how to integrate a Hermite series and multiply the result by a scalar before the integration constant is added in Python.

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hermite.hermint method

Hermite nodes are utilised as matching points for optimising polynomial interpolation, Hermite polynomials are important in approximation theory. NumPy has a function called hermite.hermint() that can be used to integrate the Hermite series in a specific order. It will require two parameters: c, which is an array, and scl, which is a scalar that will be multiplied by the integrated Hermite series before the integration constant is added....