Heterotrophic Plant Nutrition

In this type of nutrition, plants lack chlorophyll and rely on other plants for their existence. These plants are also known as parasites.

Heterotrophic Plants

Following are many heterotrophic plant species that are primarily categorized according to how they obtain their nutrition:

  1. Parasitic
  2. Insectivorous
  3. Saprophytic
  4. Symbiotic

Parasitic Nutrition

Some heterotrophic plants rely on food from other plants and animals. These plants are referred to as parasitic plants. The parasitic plant takes its nutrition and does not benefit its host in any aspect.

Example: Cuscuta and Cassytha.

Insectivorous Nutrition

Some plants are referred to as carnivorous or heterotrophic plants as they intake insectivorous nutrition and have unique structural characteristics that enable them to capture insects. They release digestive fluids and break down the insects and extract their nutrition. These plants grow and flourish on mineral-deficient soil.

Example: Pitcher plants and Venus flytrap

Saprophytic Nutrition

Saprophytic nutrition revolves around dead and rotten plants and animals as it is the source of food for saprophytic plants. They basically release digestive secretions and break down the dead and rotting debris and assimilate the nutrients.

Example: Mushrooms and mold

Symbiotic Nutrition

Symbiotic nutrition refers to a close relationship between two distinct plants from two distinct categories where they gain nutrients from each other.

Example: The relationship between fungi and trees.

Nutrition In Plants

Nutrition in plants refers to the process through which plants get nourishment to stay healthy, grow, and repair damaged body parts. There are different modes of nutrition in plants – autotrophic and heterotrophic.

In this article, we will discuss how plants get nutrition. Also, find the nutrition in plant notes here.

Table of Content

  • Nutrition in Plants
  • Mode of Nutrition in Plants
  • Autotrophic Nutrition in Plants
    • Photosynthesis
  • Heterotrophic Plant Nutrition
    • Parasitic Nutrition
    • Insectivorous Nutrition
    • Saprophytic Nutrition
    • Symbiotic Nutrition
  • Plant Nutrients
    • Macronutrients
    • Micronutrients
  • Soil Nutrient Replenishment

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FAQs on Nutrition in Plants

Why is Nutrition Important for Plants?...