Historical Background of Hunter Commission

 The British East India Company lost its administrative powers over India as a result of the Revolt of 1857, and those authorities were passed to the British Crown. Following this move, it was widely felt that the educational situation in the country needed to be re-evaluated as the grant-in-aid system introduced by Wood’s 1854 dispatch was not implemented as expected. All of these factors prompted a campaign in London, which resulted in the formation of the “General Council of Education in India.” From 1880 until 1884, Lord Ripon served as Viceroy of India and was asked by the General Council of Education in India to oversee the state of education in India. As a result, in 1882, Lord Ripon established the Indian Education Commission, with Sir William Hunter as its chairman.

Hunter Commission

The Hunter Commission was a landmark commission appointed by Viceroy Lord Ripon in 1882 to examine the state of education in India and make recommendations for reforms. The commission was headed by William Wilson Hunter, an Indian Civil Service (ICS) officer and a member of Lord Ripon’s Executive Council. The commission had 20 members, including 7 Indian members. In addition to the Hunter Commission of 1882, there was also a Hunter Commission in 1919. This commission was appointed to investigate the Amritsar massacre, which took place in April 1919. The commission’s report, released in 1920, was very critical of the British government’s handling of the tragedy.

In this article, we will look into the historical background, members, objectives, functions, recommendations, Hunter Commission Report and its impact.

Table of Content

  • Historical Background of Hunter Commission
  • Hunter Commission Members
  • Objectives of the Hunter Commission
  • Main Functions of the Hunter Commission
  • Key Recommendations of the Hunter Commission Related to Primary Education
  • Hunter Commission Report
  • Impact of Hunter Commission on Education and Administration

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Historical Background of Hunter Commission

The British East India Company lost its administrative powers over India as a result of the Revolt of 1857, and those authorities were passed to the British Crown. Following this move, it was widely felt that the educational situation in the country needed to be re-evaluated as the grant-in-aid system introduced by Wood’s 1854 dispatch was not implemented as expected. All of these factors prompted a campaign in London, which resulted in the formation of the “General Council of Education in India.” From 1880 until 1884, Lord Ripon served as Viceroy of India and was asked by the General Council of Education in India to oversee the state of education in India. As a result, in 1882, Lord Ripon established the Indian Education Commission, with Sir William Hunter as its chairman....

Hunter Commission Members

The Hunter Commission, officially known as the Indian Education Commission, comprised several distinguished members, both British and Indian, who were appointed to conduct a comprehensive inquiry into the state of education in India....

Objectives of the Hunter Commission

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Main Functions of the Hunter Commission

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Key Recommendations of the Hunter Commission Related to Primary Education

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Hunter Commission Report

The Hunter Commission was a commission appointed by the Viceroy of India, Lord Ripon, in 1882 to investigate the state of education in India. The commission was headed by Sir William Wilson Hunter, and its report was published in 1883....

Impact of Hunter Commission on Education and Administration

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Conclusion – Hunter Commission

In conclusion, the Hunter Commission was established in 1882 to investigate the state of education in India. The commission made several recommendations, including the establishment of a uniform education system, the introduction of compulsory education, and the provision of free education for girls. The commission’s recommendations were accepted by the British government, and they led to a number of reforms in the Indian education system. The Hunter Commission’s report is considered to be a landmark document in the history of Indian education. The commission’s recommendations helped to lay the foundation for the modern Indian education system....

FAQs on Hunter Commission

What was the Hunter Commission?...