Historical Background of Manchester Mills

India was a major exporter of textiles, and its products were highly prized in Europe. However, the Industrial Revolution led to the development of new technologies that made it possible to produce textiles more cheaply and efficiently. This led to a decline in the demand for Indian textiles, and the Indian textile industry began to decline.

The chapter then discusses the rise of Manchester as a center of textile production. Manchester was well-suited for textile production because it had access to coal, which was needed to power the new textile mills. It also had a large pool of labor, as many people had been displaced from their jobs in agriculture by the Enclosure Acts. Many Indian workers were recruited to work in the Manchester mills because they were willing to work for low wages. However, the working conditions in the mills were often very harsh, and many workers died from diseases such as tuberculosis.

Manchester Comes to India| Class 10 History Notes

Manchester Comes to India – The Early Entrepreneurs, Where Did the Workers Come From – Class 10 Social Science Chapter 4 The Age of Industrialization discusses that the Age of Industrialization was a period of social and economic change that transformed a human group from an agrarian society into an industrial society. It discussed the impact of the Industrial Revolution on India, and how it led to the decline of the Indian textile industry. The chapter also discusses the rise of Manchester as a center of textile production and the role of Indian workers in the Manchester mills.

In this article, we will look into the topic ‘Manchester Comes to India – The Early Entrepreneurs, Where Did the Workers Come From’ in detail. It is an important topic in Class 10 Social Science. Students can go through this article to get comprehensive notes on the topic Manchester Comes to India – The Early Entrepreneurs, Where Did the Workers Come From.

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