History of MMS

MMS is nothing but improved SMS system or a different way of SMS, which became a sensation due to world-wide adoption of smartphones after 2010. Multimedia messaging service was built as an improved extension to SMS messaging, first developed in 1984 as a collaborative approach but it took several years for the technology to be deployed. The commercial introduction of MMS started in March 2002. Despite its popularity, MMS messaging faced some challenges in its early years, including high costs and technical compatibility issues between different devices and carriers.

Due to this complexity to use, the focus was shifted towards making MMS exclusively for mobile to mobile communication rather than making it computer to mobile communication. Slowly, with the growing world MMS became the most normal way of communication due to social media apps and availability of internet and smartphones. 

MMS Full Form

MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) is an extended form of SMS (Short Message Service). Where SMS only includes text messages(160 characters) but MMS also allows images, videos, and audio with up to 1600 characters of text. 

The basic requirement to send one MMS is that both sender and receiver must have a mobile device that is MMS enabled So that they are able to view images and videos and listen to audio received. 

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Characteristics of MMS

Multimedia Service: The main characteristic or feature of MMS is to send and receive multimedia content that is audio, video, or photos.  More Characters: Including Multimedia, also allows more characters that are larger than 160 characters allowed in SMS. Group messaging: MMS also allows users to send messages to multiple recipients at the same time, making it easy to share multimedia content with friends, family, or colleagues. We may sometimes need to send one similar text to a large number of people in our contacts. Delivery reports: Some multimedia services provide a feature to check if the text you want to send has been sent, delivered, or read by the receiver (Read receipts) or not.  Support for different file types: Imagine you need to change every pdf into jpg before sending, it may seem easy for one but what about everyday texts? But MMS comes to the rescue, MMS messages support a range of file types, including JPEG, GIF, PNG, MP3, and MP4, making it easy to share different types of multimedia content. Cost: It can be more expensive than SMS. File compression: To reduce the file size of multimedia content, MMS messaging apps often compress files, which can result in a loss of quality. However, some apps allow users to adjust the compression settings to maintain higher quality....

History of MMS

MMS is nothing but improved SMS system or a different way of SMS, which became a sensation due to world-wide adoption of smartphones after 2010. Multimedia messaging service was built as an improved extension to SMS messaging, first developed in 1984 as a collaborative approach but it took several years for the technology to be deployed. The commercial introduction of MMS started in March 2002. Despite its popularity, MMS messaging faced some challenges in its early years, including high costs and technical compatibility issues between different devices and carriers....

Advantages of MMS

It greatly expanded the range of communication to other media as well.  As the popularity of MMS increased, the complexity of MMS decreased. It is now an important part of our every day communication.  Now, you can share multimedia text in real-time, allowing people to actually share real-life updates and get back replies instantly. This makes them feel connected even if they are far away.  It is mobile supported, as mobile is very handy and portable it is very easy to carry and use....