History of NSS

  • The University Grants Commission, led by S. Radhakrishnan, advocated for the implementation of voluntary national service in educational institutions after India gained independence. 
  • The Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) gave this notion some more thought at its meeting in January 1950. 
  • After researching it and the experiences of other nations in this area, the board advised that students and instructors spend time engaging in voluntary physical labor. 
  • The first Five-Year Plan, which the government enacted in 1952, and the necessity of Indian students performing a year of social and labor duty were both emphasized in the draught. 
  • In a 1958 letter to the chief ministers, Jawaharlal Nehru suggested the notion of social work as a graduation requirement.

NSS Full Form

The Full form of NSS is National Service System. The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports oversees the NSS, a public service initiative. Every year on September 24, the day is celebrated throughout India. In 1969, the 100th year of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth, the NSS was launched at 37 universities with 40,000 participants. On September 24, 1969, the program was launched by VKRV Rao, the then-Union education minister, in 37 universities spread throughout the states. All of the colleges and states in the nation have now endorsed it. Let’s learn more about the NSS’s purpose, emblem, and other elements.

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History of NSS

The University Grants Commission, led by S. Radhakrishnan, advocated for the implementation of voluntary national service in educational institutions after India gained independence.  The Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) gave this notion some more thought at its meeting in January 1950.  After researching it and the experiences of other nations in this area, the board advised that students and instructors spend time engaging in voluntary physical labor.  The first Five-Year Plan, which the government enacted in 1952, and the necessity of Indian students performing a year of social and labor duty were both emphasized in the draught.  In a 1958 letter to the chief ministers, Jawaharlal Nehru suggested the notion of social work as a graduation requirement....

Logo of NSS

The “Rath” wheel of Orissa’s Konark Sun Temple served as the inspiration for the NSS’s emblem. The development, preservation, and release cycles are represented by this enormous wheel. They represent life’s progression through space and time. Also, it represents the youth’s energy and forward-thinking mentality. Eight bars make up the Konark wheel in the logo, which stands for Eight Pahars in the cycle of a day’s twenty-four hours. As a result, the Badge readies the bearer to serve the Nation around-the-clock, or for 24 hours. The red color of the badge denotes that NSS volunteers are “full of blood,” which is to say that they are vivacious, energetic, energic, and in high spirits. The universe that the NSS serves is represented by the navy blue hue....

NSS Badge

The navy blue color represents the universe, of which the NSS is a little part, and shows that it is prepared to give its fair contribution to the wellbeing of humanity. The badge’s red color denotes that the NSS volunteers are covered with blood....

Launch of NSS

A national service program could be a tool for national integration, participants in a conference of student representatives (from universities and other higher education institutions) who were brought together by the Ministry of Education and the University Grants Commission in May 1969 unanimously agreed. Under the Fourth Five-Year Plan, the Planning Commission approved an expenditure of 5 crores for the NSS, with the condition that it be implemented as a pilot program in a limited number of colleges and universities. The NSS was introduced in 37 universities in many Indian states on September 24, 1969, by Shri. V.K.R.V. Rao, the Union Education Minister at the time....

Aim of NSS

The curriculum strives to inculcate in pupils a sense of social responsibility and unwavering dedication to the community.  NSS volunteers make it a priority to make sure that everyone in need receives assistance in order to raise their level of living and live with dignity.  Volunteers get knowledge from villagers about how to live well despite a lack of resources this way.  Giving food, clothes, and first assistance to the disaster’s victims, also aids in both natural and man-made calamities....

Organization and Human Resource Structure

The Directorate of NSS in New Delhi, which serves as the NSS Scheme’s Nodal Authority at the national level, oversees 28 States and 8 UTs across the nation. The 15 Regional Directorates serve as the nodal authority for the regions and collaborate with state-level NSS cells. Within each state, a university has a university-level NSS cell that oversees the operation of institution-based NSS units (schools and colleges). The majority of public and publicly supported institutions have volunteer NSS units. NSS volunteers are encouraged to work in institutions. Typically, a unit has 20–40 pupils....

Achievement and Impacts of NSS

NSS volunteers contributed 1,91,581 units of blood. At 9402 health, eye, and immunization programs, 464622 NSS Volunteers took part. NSS volunteers participated in Shramadaan for 62.50 lakh hours last year. 34,728 NSS Volunteers received self-defense instruction....

Types of Activities

Regular Activities (120 hours) and Yearly Special Camp are the two categories of activities (120 hours). All NSS Volunteers who have worked 240 hours for NSS over the course of at least two years are eligible for a certificate from the university, which will be signed by the Vice-Chancellor and the Program Coordinator. Volunteers may be involved in such activities as:...

NSS Awards

It has been recommended to give appropriate incentives/awards under the plan to acknowledge the voluntary work performed by NSS volunteers, Programme Officers (POs), NSS Units, and University NSS Cells. Awards include:...


Q1. What kind of activities does the NSS program offer?...