Honeybee Varieties Used for Bee Keeping

The scienitifc name of honey bee is Apis indica. In India, both indigenous and exotic varieties of honeybees are used for the commercial production of honey.

Indigenous Varieties of Honeybees

  • Apis cerana indica F. (Indian bee).
  • Apis dorsata F. (Rock bee).
  • Apis florae F. (Little bee).

Exotic Varieties of Honeybees

  • Apis mellifera (European or Italian bee).
  • Apis adamsoni (South African bee).

Why is Italian bee variety preferred for commercial production?

Italian bee is preferred as it:

  • Provides a higher yield of honey.
  • Have a good honey collection capacity.
  • It has self-defense ability.
  • Stings lesser than that of the local variety bees.
  • Has a longer breeding period.
  • It has a prolific queen with less swarming.

Apiculture or BeeKeeping

Beekeeping, also known as apiculture, is vital in enhancing food resources and agricultural ecosystems worldwide. Food is the basic requirement for all living organisms to grow and function. As bees pollinate a wide variety of crops, they contribute to the production of fruits, vegetables, and nuts. By maintaining colonies of honeybees, beekeepers produce honey, beeswax, and other hive products.

Through the careful management of bee colonies and the promotion of sustainable beekeeping practices, beekeepers play a role in supporting biodiversity and enhancing ecosystem services. In this article, you can find the beekeeping class 9 notes, products obtained from apiculture, and more.

Table of Content

  • Apiculture or Beekeeping
  • Products Obtained from Apiculture or Beekeeping
  • Honeybee Varieties Used for Bee Keeping
  • Colony and Castes of Honeybee
  • Diseases and Enemies of Honeybee
  • Importance of Beekeeping
  • Working at Beehive
  • Conclusion – Bee Keeping
  • FAQs on Bee Keeping

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Products Obtained from Apiculture or Beekeeping

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Honeybee Varieties Used for Bee Keeping

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Colony and Castes of Honeybee

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Diseases and Enemies of Honeybee

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Importance of Beekeeping

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Working at Beehive

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Conclusion – Bee Keeping

Beekeeping is an important practice that benefits both the environment and humans as a whole. Individuals who keep bees can help to replenish the declining bee population, contribute to increased biodiversity, and enjoy the many products that bees produce, such as honey and beeswax. Beekeeping plays a crucial role in improving food resources by helping in the pollination of crops, increasing crop yields, and enhancing biodiversity. By supporting bee populations through sustainable beekeeping practices, ensure a more secure and sustainable food supply for future generations....

FAQs on Bee Keeping

What do you mean by Beekeeping?...