Hooke’s Law Graph

The figure below shows the stress-strain curve for low-carbon steel.

Low-Carbon Steel exhibits an elastic behaviour up to the yield strength point and after that point, the material behaves as plastic material when further force is applied as it loses all its elasticity.

The material follows Hooke’s Law from the origin till nearing the yield strength point, and its graph is a straight line. After the yield strength point, the material loses its elasticity and behaves as plastic material. 

The elastic range of the material is the area under the curve from the origin to the proportional limit. Similarly, the plastic range is the area under the curve from a proportional limit to the fracture point.

Hooke’s Law

Hooke’s law provides a relation between the stress applied to any material and the strain observed by the material. This law was proposed by English scientist Robert Hooke. Let’s learn about Hooke’s law, its application, and others, in detail in this article.

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