How Amazon API Gateway Works?

An API Gateway endpoint receives requests from clients. The request will be routed to the relevant backend service via API Gateway to the proper service. After processing the request, the backend service provides a response then the client receives the response from API Gateway.

Amazon Web Service – Introduction to API Gateway

Firstly, API stands for Application Program Interface. An API Gateway is a management tool that acts as an interface between users and microservices. The Amazon API Gateway is an AWS service that allows users to create, publish, secure, maintain and monitor APIs at any scale. You can create APIs in your client application and can also make them available to third-party developers. It is serverless. It supports HTTP, WebSocket, and REST APIs. API Gateway is a type of server that provides the service of API which is used to customize each client. 

The Netflix API Gateway is the most popular example of API Gateway. Many e‑commerce site uses an API gateway to provide the endpoint for retrieving the details of all products from mobile clients with only a single request. So, This invokes many different services like the proper information of product, and product reviews and then combines the results.

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What is Amazon API Gateway?

Amazon API gateway is fully managed by Amazon Web Services (AWS) which makes it easier to publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. APIs act as a server between client applications and backend services if clients make any API request they will all go through this particular API. APIs are responsible for routing the request from the client side to the appropriate services, as well as performing other tasks such as authentication, authorization, and traffic management. Following are some of the features that make it more powerful....

How Amazon API Gateway Works?

An API Gateway endpoint receives requests from clients. The request will be routed to the relevant backend service via API Gateway to the proper service. After processing the request, the backend service provides a response then the client receives the response from API Gateway....

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Benefits Of Amazon API Gateway

Simple to Use: The AWS console provides very simple UI to use API GW which make its easy to manage and monitoring APIs. Scalable: Usually Amazon web services maintains very high scalable API gate ways then only they can handle the heavy demanding workloads. High Secure: API Gateway offers several capabilities, like custom authorizers and IAM integration, to help secure APIs. Exposes Backend Services: We can expose backend services to external clients, such web applications, mobile applications, and other APIs, with the use of API gateways....

Features of Amazon API Gateway

API creation and deployment: Creating different types of APIs and managing them will be very easy. Authorization and access control: With the help of IAM roles, IAM policies, and custom authorizers you can achieve authorization and control mechanisms that API Gateway offers for your APIs. Traffic management: Load balancing, throttling and chaching are the some of the services offered by the API Gateway to managethe traffic. API versioning: Based on the request you API Gateway will route the traffic to the and to route traffic to the appropriate version based on the client’s request....

Pricing of Amazon API Gateways (GW)

You pay for use only, i.e you pay for the API calls you receive and the amount of data transfer. There is an optional data caching charged at an hourly rate that varies based on the cache size you select....

Amazon API Gateway Architecture

The below diagram shows how the APIs built-in Amazon API Gateway provides customers with an integrated and consistent developer experience for building AWS serverless applications. It acts as a gateway for applications to access data from your backend services such as code running on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2),  AWS Lambda, any web applications, etc....

Working With Amazon API Gateway

The Amazon API Gateway can be accessed through the following:...

Steps To Create HTTP API Gatewway

Follow the steps mentioned below to HTTP API Gateway...

Amazon API Gateways Advantages

Following are the advantages of using the API Gateway:...

Amazon API Gateways Disadvantages

Following are the disadvantages of using the API Gateway:...

FAQs On AWS API Gateway(GW)

1. AWS API Gateway Full Form...