How can AWS supports public cloud requirements ?

AWS is one of the major cloud service provider which offers public cloud environments with high availability and scalability.

  • Aws offers global infrastructure which is spread across globe. It is divided by regions which have multiple datacenters.
  • AWS offers cost effective pricing for usage and allows nearly zero downtime infrastructure.
  • It offers various Infrastructure services like Compute, Storage , Database , Networking and Other Services which can be used by user.
  • It offers best security and fault tolerance by implementation of latest security standards and protocols within infrastructure.

What is Public Cloud?

Cloud Computing mainly has three deployment models namely Private, Public, and Hybrid cloud. A public cloud is a cloud deployment model in which cloud resources are offered over the internet and open to all users and organizations. The public cloud is a major deployment model used today. Adopting the public cloud is more cost-effective as third-party providers manage the resources. Let us understand the public cloud in detail in this article.

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Primary Terminologies

Cloud Computing: It is the delivery of computing resources over the internet with the flexibility to consume resources as per requirement and cost. Public Cloud: It is a cloud computing deployment model where cloud infrastructure is provisioned and managed by a third party which is available for all public to use....

Working Of Public Cloud

It is a type of cloud infrastructure deployment in which computing resources that a third party manages are provided over the Internet for public use....

Public Cloud Architecture

Cloud Data Center: It consists of cloud infrastructure which may be located at multiple locations. Organizations: Organizations are users of the public cloud who share the cloud infrastructure. Users: Users are standalone users of the public cloud who also share the cloud infrastructure resources...

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Security Considerations in Public Cloud

Security in public cloud is shared responsibility for user and provider. To maintain the best security of data and infrastructure following methods can be used :...

How can AWS supports public cloud requirements ?

AWS is one of the major cloud service provider which offers public cloud environments with high availability and scalability....

Advantages of Public Cloud

Public cloud allows high scalability as the computing resources are available virtually unlimited. As the data centers are located across various regions and geographies public cloud provides high availability and fault tolerance to users. Public cloud allows use of resources on pay as you go model which provides cost efficiency. It also reduces upfront cost of cloud infrastructure as it is maintained by third party cloud provider....

Disadvantages of Public Cloud

Public cloud is less secure and private as compared to other deployment models as the infrastructure is managed and owned by third party. It provides limited control over infrastructure as compared to private cloud deployments. Vendor lock in can happen because of using services from single cloud service provider. To use public cloud internet connection is required otherwise private connection to infrastructure is required which creates dependency....


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