How Does a Computer Network Work?

Computer Networks simply work using nodes and links. Data communication equipment is simply termed as Nodes. For example, Modems, Hubs, Switches, etc. whereas links in Computer networks can be referred to as a connection between two nodes. We have several types of links like cable wires, optical fibers, etc. 

Whenever a Computer Network is working, nodes have the work of sending and receiving data via the links. Computer Network provides some set of protocols that help in following the rules and protocols.

What is Computer Networking?

Computer networking is like having a group of friends who all have phones and can call or text each other. In computer networking, instead of phones, we have computers and instead of phone lines, we use cables, Wi-Fi, or other methods to connect them. When computers are connected to a network, they can share information and resources, like files, printers, and internet connections. This allows them to communicate with each other quickly and easily, just like friends talking on their phones.

A computer network consists of various kinds of nodes. Servers, networking hardware, personal computers, and other specialized or general-purpose hosts can all be nodes in a computer network. Hostnames and network addresses are used to identify them. In this article, we are going to discuss computer networking in detail.

Computer Networking

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How Does a Computer Network Work?

Computer Networks simply work using nodes and links. Data communication equipment is simply termed as Nodes. For example, Modems, Hubs, Switches, etc. whereas links in Computer networks can be referred to as a connection between two nodes. We have several types of links like cable wires, optical fibers, etc....

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Types of Computer Networks

Division Based on Area Covered...

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What is Network Topology?

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In conclusion, computer networking is essential because it allows computers to connect and communicate with each other. This connectivity enables them to share information and resources, making tasks easier and faster. Whether it’s a small network within a home or office (LAN) or a large network spreading across cities and countries (WAN), networking helps us stay connected, work together, and access the internet. It’s like having a team where everyone can instantly share ideas and tools, making collaboration smooth and efficient. So, computer networking is all about making connections that help us stay informed, productive, and connected to the world....

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