How Does an IP Address Conflict Occur?

  • Misconfiguration by the network administrator: Static configuration is done usually by hand and human mistakes can lead to two devices getting the same IP address.
  • Default addresses of IoT devices: Most IoT devices have IP addresses preset for use immediately after they are out of the box. If the network administrator has not changed these addresses, then there are big chances of facing conflict on the network due to every device having the same default address.
  • Personal devices: In environments where employees use their own devices, some devices may own IP addresses in the same shares as the organization’s network and therefore cause conflicting IPs.
  • VPNs: Accordingly, VPN networks may employ IP address ranges that are approximate to the organization’s ones. Whenever the user establishes a connection with a certain network through the use of a VPN, there is likely to be conflict whereby the IP address offered by the VPN server to each user collides with another IP address that is already in the network.
  • DHCP issues: DHCP is a service that configures network devices, assigning to them unique IP addresses or ranges of IPs without the user’s intervention. Sometimes, it can be due to a misconfiguration or bugs in the DHCP server that lead to IP assignment replication.
  • Network attacks: Another action that hackers may take consciously, is to create intentional IP-address contradictions to interrupt or gain unauthorized access to a network.

What is an IP Conflict and How Do You Resolve It?

An IP conflict can be defined as a condition under which two devices will be addressed to the same IP address on the same network. This can create problems, even with connectivity because the network becomes useless for determining which device to send data to. The process of changing IP involves the resetting of the IP numbers of the conflicting devices in a network with a view of providing an IP number that is unique to every device. Now let us draw a map of how to manage IP conflicts correctly in order not to stumble.

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How Does an IP Address Conflict Occur?

Misconfiguration by the network administrator: Static configuration is done usually by hand and human mistakes can lead to two devices getting the same IP address. Default addresses of IoT devices: Most IoT devices have IP addresses preset for use immediately after they are out of the box. If the network administrator has not changed these addresses, then there are big chances of facing conflict on the network due to every device having the same default address. Personal devices: In environments where employees use their own devices, some devices may own IP addresses in the same shares as the organization’s network and therefore cause conflicting IPs. VPNs: Accordingly, VPN networks may employ IP address ranges that are approximate to the organization’s ones. Whenever the user establishes a connection with a certain network through the use of a VPN, there is likely to be conflict whereby the IP address offered by the VPN server to each user collides with another IP address that is already in the network. DHCP issues: DHCP is a service that configures network devices, assigning to them unique IP addresses or ranges of IPs without the user’s intervention. Sometimes, it can be due to a misconfiguration or bugs in the DHCP server that lead to IP assignment replication. Network attacks: Another action that hackers may take consciously, is to create intentional IP-address contradictions to interrupt or gain unauthorized access to a network....

Types of IP Address Conflicts

Static IP Conflict: This can happen when two devices have the same IP address assigned to them and the address is not obtained through the DHCP server. This mostly happens through errors that occur during a configuration process. Dynamic IP Conflict: Dynamic IP conflicts occur when the DHCP server and the devices in a network have the same IP addresses assigned to them. This can happen as a result of configuration issues or when the DHCP server stops working as anticipated. Network Segment Conflict: This is especially valid for the larger networks where the network has been divided into subnets, then two devices coming from different subnets and assigned the same IP address may cause a clash. VPN IP Conflict: VPNs can give the users IP addresses that are in the same range of an organization’s internal address space, which may cause problems if the VPN address space is the same. Duplicate MAC Address Conflict: Few issues were also noted, if two devices have similar Media Access Control (MAC) addresses conflict may occur in IP addresses....

How to Fix IP Address Conflicts?

Identify the Conflicting Devices: Below are some of the ways one can use to identify the devices and their IPs on the network: Use network management tools or utilities such as “arp –a” on Windows or “arp –n” on Linux platforms. Consider the following steps: Repeat the identification of the first type of number, which is the IP address, and look for duplicate numbers. Release and Renew IP Addresses: On conflicts, the devices should lose their current IP addresses and go back to the DHCP server for new ones. For instance, in Windows, this can be done by typing ipconfig /release and then ipconfig/renew on the command line. On the Linux OS, you can use “sudo dhclient -r” and then “sudo dhclient” for releasing and renewing the IP addresses. Restart Devices: Sometimes, it is advisable to power-cycle the devices that are having conflict since rebooting the devices will mean that they will acquire a new IP address from the DHCP server. Check DHCP Configuration: This would comprise confirming whether the DHCP server or the Domain Name System is sufficient with IP address pools that have not been renewed and do not provide two similar addresses. Assign Static IP Addresses: In the case of devices that need static IP addresses, take extra care to make sure that each of the devices has a static IP address assigned to it to ensure that they don’t clash. Update Firmware/Software: If there are IP conflicts, then make sure routers and DHCP servers or any device have the latest firmware or software installed into them because there might be new releases of firmware or software that may have patches to prevent IP conflicts. Network Segmentation: Some points that may be taken into consideration include: In a large network, it may be useful to subdivide the network into subnetworks using subnetting to minimize chances of having conflicting IP addresses especially when one segment has a similar IP address range with the other. MAC Address Filtering: Use MAC address filter on the network which helps in avoiding unauthorized connection of the device which creates IP conflict on the network....

How to Prevent IP Address Conflicts?

DHCP Reservation: DHCP is made to help in allocating IP addresses to the various devices on a network and in this manner, the DHCP server should be configured to assign particular MAC addresses to particular static IP addresses. This is especially helpful in avoiding network conflicts because each time a device connects to the network, it will only be allowed to have one IP address. IP Address Management (IPAM) Tools: Use specific tools to IPAM to manage, control, and monitor the usage of IP addresses to avoid IP address conflicts by setting IP address management rules and regulations. Regular Network Audits: Scanning the network topology for misconfigurations by reviewing the infrastructure is essential and fixing the IP address conflicts arising from such discrepancies. Subnetting: Subnet large networks into subnets to avoid scenarios in which two different networks shall be given the same IP address. Subnetting then enables a more organized distribution of devices and hampers possible conflicts within each subnet. Documentation and Labeling: Record the details of the IP addressing assignment, sub-net mask, subnets, and the entire network map. Ensure that devices are identified and network compartments are named to avoid easy mistakes when configuring devices manually. Automated IP Conflict Resolution: Use forms of detecting and wiping off IP conflicts in real time generally, including DHCP lease timeout or policies such as automatically reassigning a new IP address universally to a device....

Best Tools for Detecting and Preventing IP Address Conflicts



In conclusion, IP address conflicts pose a threat to communication and efficiency in network devices. It is important to note that while there is no perfect solution for the prevention and detection of IP conflicts due to the complexity of network settings, the use of both detection tools such as Advanced IP Scanner or/Angry IP Scanner, and prevention tools like DHCP server software or/and IPAM solutions can help the network administrator minimize the risk of IP conflicts occurring. Performing routine Network Audits and documentation, and using some Tools to automate Network Monitoring also improve the network performance by maintaining a steady and reliable flow of data with minimal downtime due to IP Address conflicts....

Frequently Asked Questions on IP conflict – FAQ’s

How can I manually release and renew IP addresses on my Windows computer?...