How does Cyber extortionist work?

It works when hackers illegally access organizations or businesses to steal sensitive information such as photos, videos, important files, etc. It also occurs when the hacker sends a suspicious email to the victims and convenience victims to click the link and enter their credentials or maybe they convenience to download the malware software that infects your system and when you enter the credentials or download the software they steal your sensitive information and blackmails to pay money in cryptocurrency. If you do not pay the money they release your sensitive information publically.

Here are the steps that represent the working of cyber extortion-

  • Infiltration:- In the Infiltration step, hackers try to access the victim’s system to steal your sensitive data. Hackers use phishing techniques to convenience victims to open malicious software or suspicious links so they steal your sensitive information.
  • Installation:- Once hackers install malware software such as ransomware then hackers steal the victim’s sensitive information and infect the victim’s system.
  • Extortion:- After controlling the victim’s system, in the extortion phase, the hacker now blackmails the victims into paying money in cryptocurrency otherwise they release the sensitive information.
  • Payout:- If the victim’s ready to pay the hackers to not release their sensitive information, the victims think they are safe but there is no guarantee the victim’s data will be recovered or they will ask for more money to blackmail the victims.
  • Repeat:- In most cases, hackers make a presence in a victim’s system so they attack in the future and steal the data from the victim’s account.

What is Cyber Extortionist?

Cyber extortionist steals sensitive information such as photos, videos, and blackmail individuals or persons, and demand money for victims not to leak the information publically. In this article, we will cover a brief explanation of cyber extortionists and their types. Also, we will cover how to protect our businesses from cyber extortion.

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How does Cyber extortionist work?

It works when hackers illegally access organizations or businesses to steal sensitive information such as photos, videos, important files, etc. It also occurs when the hacker sends a suspicious email to the victims and convenience victims to click the link and enter their credentials or maybe they convenience to download the malware software that infects your system and when you enter the credentials or download the software they steal your sensitive information and blackmails to pay money in cryptocurrency. If you do not pay the money they release your sensitive information publically....

Types of Cyber Extortion

Ransomware attack:- It is a malware attack where hackers steal your sensitive data or lock your files and any operations performed in your system and then ask money in cryptocurrency for victims to unlock your files and secure data. There are many government agencies that advised to not to pay the hacker if they blackmail you. DDOS attack:- DDOS stands for distributed denial of service. In DDOS, Hackers stop their attacks if the victims pay money in cryptocurrency otherwise they leak your sensitive information. Sometimes it is difficulty to detect DDOS attack because many of hackers use botnet to achieve success in their targets Doxing Extortion:- In Doxing Extortion, the hacker destroys the victim’s reputation they stealing sensitive information such as the victim’s photos, and emails and sending this publicly damaging the victim’s reputation. If the person use similar username and password in every account then hackers easily hack the user account and steal the important documents of the user then they sell it and share it publicly. Data Breach Extortion:- In data breach extortion, hackers focus on large-scale businesses or organizations. Hackers steal the business’s or organization’s data and sell their stolen data. Cyber Sex extortion:- In cyber sex extortion, we all know that there are various social media platforms where we have to connect with people around the globe and chat with people, send messages, photos, videos, etc. Hackers mainly focus on these social media platforms to steal sensitive data such as private photos, personal videos, etc, and asking money to not shared publically. Software vulnerability extortion:- In software vulnerability extortion, hackers find the vulnerability in the company’s software and ask money to pay for the victim to not expose the vulnerability....

How to Protect our Businesses From Cyber Extortion?

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