How does Logging in Kubernetes Work?

Logging in Kubernetes involves collecting, storing, and analyzing logs from applications and system components running within the cluster. Kubernetes uses logging agents on each node to collect logs from various sources and forward them to a centralized logging system. This centralized system allows for efficient log aggregation, search, and analysis, helping with debugging, monitoring, and auditing. The following are the kubernetes logging workflow:

  • Log Collection: Logs are collected from containers, nodes, and system components.
  • Logging Agents: Tools like Fluentd, Logstash, or Filebeat are used to gather logs.
  • Log Forwarding: Logs are sent to centralized storage systems (e.g., Elasticsearch, Splunk).
  • Centralized Analysis: Aggregated logs are analyzed using tools like Kibana or Grafana.

Kubernetes Monitoring and Logging: Tools and Best Practices

Kubernetes (K8s) is an open-source project under the CNCF organization that mainly helps in container orchestration by simplifying the deployment and management of containerized applications. It is widely used in DevOps and cloud-native space, and one cannot imagine DevOps workflow without it. During the management of these containerized applications, it becomes harder and harder to monitor these containers due to the increasing complexity and scalability of these containers.

Hence, a proper monitoring and logging setup is essential to make sure things don’t break unexpectedly. In a one-liner, Monitoring or Observability is the process of watching out for the application through alerts. Logging or Logs are info of every small thing happening inside the containers (e.g. ‘namespace created’ –> ‘pod is yet to start’ –> ‘pod is running’ –> ‘pod is restarting’ etc.)

Table of Content

  • What is Kubernetes?
  • What is Kubernetes Monitoring And Why Should You Care About It?
  • Kubernetes Logging Architecture
  • System Component Logs
  • Cluster Logging Architecture
  • Types of Kubernetes Logs
  • What Metrics To Monitor For Monitoring?
  • What Options Are Available For Monitoring Kubernetes Cluster?
  • How to perform Kubernetes Monitoring and Logging? A Step-By-Step Guide
  • Features of monitoring and logging
  • How does Logging in Kubernetes Work?
  • How is Logging in Kubernetes different from Others?
  • Popular Kubernetes Logging Topics
  • Kubernetes Logging Tools
  • Kubectl logs and Other Useful kubectl Commands
  • Best Practices of Kubernetes Monitoring
  • Kubernetes Logging Best Practices
  • Conclusion
  • Kubernetes Monitoring and Logging – FAQs

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Monitoring and logging are crucial things for troubleshooting a cluster. Monitoring or Observability is basically the process of watching out for current and changing state of containers and components in the cluster and making us aware of state of application through alerts. Logging or Logs are basically info of every small thing happening inside the containers (e.g. ‘namespace created’ –> ‘pod is yet to start’ –> ‘pod is running’ –> ‘pod is restarting’ etc.). We have different-different monitoring and logging solutions for different requirements and use cases. The set up depends upon use case and the functionalities you require. Documentation and their slack community can be referred in case you need any further help....

Kubernetes Monitoring and Logging – FAQs

Should I use (K8s native monitoring setup) or (Prometheus & Grafana) or (Cloud services)?...