How does Parliament control the executive?

How does the Parliament control the executive?

The Parliament exercises control over the executive through various means such as deliberation and discussion, approval or refusal of laws, financial oversight, and motions like a no-confidence vote. These mechanisms enable legislators to scrutinize government actions, hold ministers accountable, and ensure transparency in governance.

What are parliamentary privileges, and why are they important?

Parliamentary privileges refer to the legal immunities and rights enjoyed by legislators to express their views and represent their constituents without fear of reprisal. These privileges are vital for upholding freedom of speech, enabling robust debate, and maintaining the legislature’s independence from external influence.

How does Parliament scrutinize government finances?

Parliament exercises financial control by reviewing and approving government budgets, scrutinizing budget allocations, and auditing government expenditures. Through mechanisms like the Public Accounts Committee and the Comptroller and Auditor General, legislators ensure fiscal accountability and monitor the government’s adherence to budgetary guidelines.

What is a no-confidence motion, and how does it affect the government?

A no-confidence motion is a parliamentary mechanism through which legislators express their lack of confidence in the government’s ability to govern effectively. If the motion receives majority support in the lower house, the government is compelled to resign, leading to potential changes in leadership or early elections.

How does Parliament ensure transparency in lawmaking?

Parliament promotes transparency in lawmaking by providing opportunities for deliberation, public scrutiny, and participation in the legislative process. Through platforms like question hours, debates, and public consultations, legislators engage with citizens, gather feedback, and ensure that laws reflect the collective interests and concerns of the populace.

Class 11 Polity Notes Chapter 5: How does Parliament control the executive?

In parliamentary democracies, maintaining a balance of power between the executive and legislative branches is essential to prevent authoritarian rule and uphold democratic principles.

The Parliament, as the apex legislative body, plays a crucial role in controlling the executive, ensuring accountability, and safeguarding the interests of the people. Here’s a detailed look at how the Parliament exercises its control over the executive.

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How does the Parliament control the executive?...