How Does Star Topology Works in Computer Networks?

As we know, all the nodes in a star topology are connected to the Hub, which star topology are connected to the central node called the Hub is responsible for the transmission of the data. For example- when any node wants to transmit data to another node it first transmits data to the central node which then transfers the data to all the nodes on the network. Once the node receives the data then it checks for the destination address if the address matches the data is accepted otherwise data is rejected.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Star Topology

A star may be a topology for a Local Area Network (LAN) during which all nodes are individually connected to a central connection point, sort of a hub or a switch. A star takes more cable than e.g. a bus, but the benefit is that if a cable fails, just one node is going to be brought down. Each device within the network is connected to a central device called a hub. If one device wants to send data to another device, it’s first to send the info to the hub then the hub transmits that data to the designated device. The number of links required to connect nodes in the star topology is N where N is the number of nodes. The hub, switch, or concentrator manages and controls all functions of the network.  

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How Does Star Topology Works in Computer Networks?

As we know, all the nodes in a star topology are connected to the Hub, which star topology are connected to the central node called the Hub is responsible for the transmission of the data. For example- when any node wants to transmit data to another node it first transmits data to the central node which then transfers the data to all the nodes on the network. Once the node receives the data then it checks for the destination address if the address matches the data is accepted otherwise data is rejected....

Advantages of Star Topology

It is very reliable – if one cable or device fails then all the others will still work. It is high-performing as no data collisions can occur. It is less expensive because each device only needs one I/O port and wishes to be connected to the hub with one link. Easier to put in. Robust in nature. Easy fault detection because the links are often easily identified. No disruptions to the network when connecting or removing devices. Each device requires just one port i.e. to attach to the hub. If N devices are connected to each other in star, then the amount of cables required to attach them is N. So, it’s easy to line up....

Disadvantages of Star Topology

Requires more cable than a linear bus. If the connecting network device (network switch) fails, the nodes attached are disabled and can’t participate in network communication. More expensive than linear bus topology due to the value of the connecting devices (network switches). If the hub goes down everything goes down, none of the devices can work without the hub. Hub requires more resources and regular maintenance because it’s the central system of Star. Extra hardware is required (hubs or switches) which adds to the cost. Performance is predicated on the one concentrator i.e. hub....


The star topology is used in Local Area Networks where multiple connections are required for a network. The central hub can be expensive to install but the transfer of data is faster because it is self-contained. If the central hub fails then the entire network will go down. Star topology is more expensive than bus topology....

Frequently Asked Questions On Star Topology – FAQs

What is an example of a star network?...