How Does the SEO Works: Explained

Search engines can respond to user searches with appropriate results due to the indexing work of web crawlers. Search engines use complex algorithms that take a variety of ranking variables into account to do this. Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the procedure used to increase a website’s exposure in search results. It includes techniques like content optimisation and site structure. By coordinating a website with these algorithms, SEO tries to increase organic traffic, eventually improving its search engine rating.

Work-Flow diagram of SEO

Work-Flow diagram of SEO

For better understanding on working of SEO, we’ll divide the whole mechanism into 4 phases namely:

  1. Preprocessing Phase
  2. Query Submission Phase
  3. Improvement Phase
  4. Feedback Phase

How Does SEO works

Now, let’s take a closer and more detailed examination of these four phases to gain a better understanding on SEO.

1. Preprocessing Phase

A search engine has been hard at work to crawl, index, and rank the web long before a user types in a query. Due to the ongoing publication of new and updated content, this process is ongoing and never-ending.

In addition to crawling, indexing, and ranking, search engines also perform a number of other tasks before a user enters a query, such as:

Apart from crawling, indexing and ranking, before a user inputs a query, the search engine does a number of preparatory operations, including:

  • Understanding the user’s intent : Search engines continue to try to understand what users are trying to find with their queries. This is important in delivering the most appropriate results, even when the user’s query is imprecise or lacking.
  • Personalizing results : On the basis of the user’s search history, location, and other variables, several search engines personalise the results. To give the user the most pertinent and practical results possible, this is done.
  • Preventing spam : Search engines make an effort to lower the position of spammy websites in their results. This is done to make sure users have a good time and can quickly and easily access the information they want.

Google uses a variety of indicators to understand the user’s intent, those indicator can be user’s search history, location and content of user’s query. Google calls this technique as “Query understanding”. This helps user in searching a query.

2. Query Submission Phase

When a user input a query to search engine, following things happens:

  • The search engine searches its index for pages that matches the query.
  • The search engine ranks sites depending on a number of variables, including page content, website authority, and the user’s location and search history.
  • The search engine shows user the most relevant results.

3. Improvement Phase

The improvement phase in SEO is the process of analyzing user behavior and search engine results pages (SERPs) to analyse areas where a website needs improvement. This phase initiate after the user interaction, and it is important because it allows SEO professionals to improve the performance of their websites. Following thing happens after user interaction:

  • Data collection: To determine how to optimise a website, SEO experts gather information on user behaviour and SERPs. Many other methods and resources, including Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and third parties, may be used to get this information.
  • Analysis: Professionals in SEO examine the data once it has been gathered to look for trends and patterns. This study can assist in pinpointing both the website’s strong points and its opportunities for development.
  • Implementation: Professionals in SEO make adjustments to the website once the areas that need improvement have been determined. These alterations may be made to the website’s content, design, or technological specifications.
  • Monitoring: SEO experts keep an eye on the website’s performance after the adjustments have been made to see how they have affected it. This monitoring can assist to make sure the modifications are having a beneficial effect and also reveal any areas that still require improvement.

4. Feedback Phase

Search engines are essential to our daily lives because they enable us to quickly and simply access the information we require. However, there is always opportunity for development and no search engine is flawless.

Feedback is an essential component for search engine optimisation. Users may help search engines offer better results to everyone by giving comments on the relevancy, quality, and utility of search results. Feedback is given on following factors:

  • Keyword relevance: The degree to which a page’s keywords match those that visitors are searching for.
  • User behaviour: It is the way in which visitors engage with a website, including how long they remain on it, what they click, and whether they scroll to the bottom.
  • Content’s quality: It is determined by how well-written, educational, and interesting it is.
  • Bounce rate: The proportion of visitors to a page that only stay for one page.
  • Average session time: How long visitors typically stay on a website.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: How effectively a website shows on mobile devices is known as mobile responsiveness.
  • Page loading speed: The speed at which a page loads.
  • Security (HTTPS): if an HTTPS connection is safe on a certain website.
  • Information’s relevance and accuracy: How accurate and relevant the information on a page is.
  • Backlinks: The volume of inbound links from other websites to a certain website.

How Does SEO Work?

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is the key to open a portal of opportunities for your business (website). But have you. ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes for SEO to work? I am sure you might have a basic idea but thanks to the ever-changing game of SEO, it is always important to stay on top of how does the SEO works. In this post, we will help you deep dive into the various terms, steps, and processes of how the SEO works.

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