How is Performance Marketing Different from Traditional Marketing?

Performance marketing is a recent form of digital marketing and it differs from the traditional forms of marketing in many ways.


Performance Marketing

Traditional Marketing


Performance marketing aims at attracting a large audience base.

Traditional marketing aims to improve brand loyalty, awareness and trust.


Performance marketing targets specific segments of consumers who are more likely to get interested in a particular product based on market demand.

Traditional marketing targets large demographic areas.


Performance marketing releases advertisements on social media platforms, search engines as well as Email marketing.

Traditional marketing uses conventional methods such as television, radio, print, live events and sponsorships.

Cost Structure

Performance marketing is dependent on return on investment. It pays the marketing agencies only when they get profitable results, i.e., the quantity of clicks, leads and sales.

Traditional marketing does not measure the impact of sales on consumer psychology. Here, the profitable results are not guaranteed.

Innovation and Brand Development

Performance marketing focuses on innovation and immediate results rather than long-term growth.

Traditional marketing concentrates on improving brand image and storytelling.

Marketing Channels

Affiliate marketing, influencer marketing, social media marketing and search engine marketing are some common channels of performance marketing.

Traditional marketing depends on physical outlets or distributors.

Performance Marketing : Meaning, Types, Strategy, Benefits & Examples

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Types of Performance Marketing

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Advantages of Performance Marketing

1. Return on Investment (ROI) can be Measured: Since performance management can quantify the actions taken by the users, i.e., the frequency of views, impressions, leads and sales can be tracked, it justifies whether the objectives are met. In this way, they can identify the amount of ROI as well as decide if they can invest further in similar channels....

Disadvantages of Performance Marketing

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Examples of Performance Marketing

1. Google: Google releases ads based on cost per click. Google’s main source of revenue is through advertising products and services online. With every click or conversation, it enables the advertisers to earn compensation....

How is Performance Marketing Different from Traditional Marketing?

Performance marketing is a recent form of digital marketing and it differs from the traditional forms of marketing in many ways....