How To Add Fractions

1. How to Add Fractions with Same Denominator?

To add fractions with same denominators, simply add the numerators together while keeping the common denominator unchanged. The sum will have the same denominator.

2. How to Add Fractions with Different Denominators?

To add fractions with different denominators, we first take the LCM of the denominator and then add then accordingly.

3. What are Fractions?

Fractions are the rational numbers that are represented as parts of a number. They are written as a numerator divided by a denominator. For example, the fraction 1/2​ represents one part out of two, or 50%.

4. What are Like Fractions?

Adding fractions with like denominators is the process of combining two or more fractions that have the same number in their denominators.

5. How to Add Improper Fractions?

Improper fractions are the fractions in which the numerator of the fraction is greater than denominator of the fraction and Improper Fractions can be easily added by the rules of addition of fraction as added above.

6. What are the rules to Add and Subtract Fractions?

To add or subtract fractions, make sure they have a common denominator. If they don’t, find the LCM of the denominators and convert each fraction to an equivalent fraction with this common denominator. Once the fractions have the same denominator, simply add or subtract the numerators while keeping the denominator the same. Then simplify the resulting fraction, if possible.

7. How to do addition of 3 Fractions altogether?

3 fractions with same denominator(Like Fractions) can be easily added by taking the denominator of the fraction common and adding the numerator of the fraction directly. But if all the 3 fractions are unlike fractions then before adding them we first take the LCM of the denominator fractions and then add them accordingly.

Addition of Fractions | How To Add Like and Unlike Fractions

Addition of Fractions is the method of adding two fractions together to get a single fraction. A fraction represents the division of one number by another, written with a numerator (top number) and a denominator (bottom number) separated by a horizontal line.

Let’s learn the different kinds of addition in fractions, with the help of examples.

Table of Content

  • Addition of Fractions: Rules
  • Adding Fractions with Same Denominators
  • Adding Fractions with Different Denominators
  • Adding Fractions with Whole Numbers
  • How To Add Mixed Fractions
  • Addition of Fractions with Variables
  • Adding Fractions with Co-Prime Denominators
  • Addition of Fractions Worksheet

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