How to Add Fractions with Same Denominators

Fractions with the same denominator, are also called like fractions.

Let us suppose we have two fractions say, a/b and c/b. Here we see that the denominator of both fractions is the same.

We can easily add these fractions using the following formula,

a/b + c/b = (a+c)/b

Steps to Add Fractions with the Same Denominators:

Step 1: Find the denominators of the fractions you wish to add. In this case, the denominator will be the same for all fractions.

Step 2: Take the LCM of the denominator. The number itself is the LCM of the same number.

Step 3: Since the LCM and denominator is the same, multiply the numerators by 1.

Step 4: To find the solution, add the numerators specified in the fraction and use the same denominator and that will be your answer.

Let’s understand this with the help of an example.

Example: Add 2/5 and 3/5. These fractions have the same denominator.

Step 1: Here 5 and 5 are the denominator of the given fractions

Step 2: As both denominators are the same, the LCM will be 5 only.

Step 3: Since the LCM and Denominators are the same we have to multiply numerators and denominators by 1.

2/5 = (2 × 1)/(5 × 1) = 2/5

3/5 = (3 × 1)/(5 × 1) = 3/5

Step 4: Our numerators are 2 and 3 add it (2+3 = 5) and hence we got 5/5. Simplify it and the result will be 1.

How To Add Like Fractions Diagram

Let’s consider an example of 1/4 + 2/4, which is a like fraction. We will represent both fractions in the form of a circle as follows:

  • The denominator is the same for both i.e., both circles are divided in equal parts which can be easily subtracted. So there is no need to modify the denominator because LCM will be the same as the denominator. Therefore, unlike denominators, the given picture will not be divided into further pieces.
  • To reach the required result, all that is left to do is add the numerators while keeping the denominators constant. Additionally, see whether the final result can be attained by further simplifying the already acquired result.

As a result, our answer is (1+2)/4 = 3/4, as indicated in the image below.

Addition of Fractions | How To Add Like and Unlike Fractions

Addition of Fractions is the method of adding two fractions together to get a single fraction. A fraction represents the division of one number by another, written with a numerator (top number) and a denominator (bottom number) separated by a horizontal line.

Let’s learn the different kinds of addition in fractions, with the help of examples.

Table of Content

  • Addition of Fractions: Rules
  • Adding Fractions with Same Denominators
  • Adding Fractions with Different Denominators
  • Adding Fractions with Whole Numbers
  • How To Add Mixed Fractions
  • Addition of Fractions with Variables
  • Adding Fractions with Co-Prime Denominators
  • Addition of Fractions Worksheet

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