How to avoid division by zero?

In Postgres, we can perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. When an integer is divided by Zero it throws a zero division error and we have to solve the zero division error by ourselves in PostgreSQL. There are methods available that are super useful for handling zero-division errors. Some of the methods are as follows:

  1. Using NULLIF() Function
  2. Using Case Statement to Handle Zero Division Error

Look at the below image to understand what zero zero-division error looks like.

Zero Division

Explanation: As we can see in the above image, when we try to divide 10 by Zero we get an error, but handling these errors is important. When working on large projects it is important to solve this arithmetic error or it will create havoc later on.

How to Avoid Division By Zero in PostgreSQL?

In PostgreSQL, dividing an integer by zero can lead to a zero division error, which can cause problems in database operations. However, PostgreSQL provides useful methods to handle this error effectively.

We’ll learn various techniques like using the NULLIF() function and the CASE statement to address zero division errors. By understanding and implementing these methods, we can ensure smooth and error-free arithmetic operations in your PostgreSQL database.

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How to avoid division by zero?

In Postgres, we can perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. When an integer is divided by Zero it throws a zero division error and we have to solve the zero division error by ourselves in PostgreSQL. There are methods available that are super useful for handling zero-division errors. Some of the methods are as follows:...

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Zero division is almost faced by all individuals who work with databases, and it is not that much complicated to handle and avoid zero division errors in PostgreSQL. The above methods will solve most of the issues for handling zero division errors. There are many ways to construct a CASE statement it depends on how you want to handle the error and get specific results but the structure will remain the same....