How to Check Details of bd Command?

Not only ‘bd‘, but when you install any command line utility which is new to you, you need to seek help, first. There are a few ways to get help regarding how to utilize the ‘bd‘ command.

1. Using Help option

You can use the –help option of the ‘bd‘ command to get help regarding the various options available to be used with the command.

bd --help

Help option in bd

2. Using Manual Page

You could also read the elaborate manual page of the ‘bd‘ command by entering the following command in the terminal.

man bd 

The manual page of bd

Apart from the above-listed details, the man page also contains information about various options available, notes about the command, other uses with examples, and contact details of the author of bd.

bd – Quickly Go Back to a Parent Directory Instead of Typing ‘cd’ Command

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Every Linux user most probably suffers in a situation where we need to jump from one directory to another in a backward direction, multiple times. Conventionally most of us choose to use the ‘..’ parameter with the ‘cd‘ command to denote the previous directory, multiple times. This command might look like this, ‘cd ../../../..‘. This command will go to 4 directories backward. But, this is a tiresome way of doing backward directory navigation, especially when you are a Linux power user. Luckily, we do have a useful utility that can be installed in Linux, to solve this problem. Let’s dive deeper into this utility in this article....

What is bd?

bd is a command line utility in Linux that is used to quickly go back to a specific directory in bash. It is very efficient when it comes to backward directory navigation. This command also comes with features that allow it to be combined with other bash commands for maximum productivity....

How to Install bd?

Open the terminal in your computer and enter the following command to install bd. The command varies for different operating systems and distributions of Linux. You can choose the one that matches your OS....

How to Check Details of bd Command?

Not only ‘bd‘, but when you install any command line utility which is new to you, you need to seek help, first. There are a few ways to get help regarding how to utilize the ‘bd‘ command....

Usage of bd Command

As discussed before, ‘bd‘ can be used as a stand-alone command or combined with some other bash commands....


The “bd” command is a valuable time-saving tool for command-line users, especially those who frequently work in nested directory structures. Typically, when using the “cd” command to navigate from a subdirectory to its parent directory, you would need to specify the parent directory’s path explicitly. This can become cumbersome and error-prone, particularly when dealing with long or complex directory structures. However, “bd” simplifies this process by allowing users to jump directly to the parent directory with a straightforward “bd” command. This not only reduces the keystrokes required but also minimizes the chances of making typographical errors, making it an efficient and convenient option for directory navigation....