How to choose interviewees

At the beginning of the product analysis of Nektony apps, I showed the products to everyone I knew, friends and colleagues from other companies, and asked them what they thought about the apps. But, as I noted above, this is not the right approach. Later, we started working only with real users who once contacted our technical support service.

Among the letters in support, you can find many users who may be loyal to the company.

First, it’s not cold contacts we’re reaching out to. We already had successful communication with them; they contacted us, and we solved their problems; that is, they remained satisfied customers.

Secondly, people who write to technical support to solve a question (rather than go, for example, to some forum and complain) – usually this is a special category of people who are ready to share their thoughts, spend their time to make the product better for own use in the future. So, such people willingly agree to become interviewees.

Third, these are real users, not hypothetical ones. Interviews with such users provide more accurate data on what exactly they like and what they don’t like, which options are used more often, and which are not clear.

How Nektony Software spearheaded Product through User Selection and Analysis?

Hello! My name is Oleksiy Chebruchan, and I’m a product manager at the Nektony software development company. We’re developing Mac and iPhone cleaning applications. In this article, I will tell you how I selected users for in-depth interviews and analysis of our applications and what we changed in our products thanks to the data we received.

Table of Content

  • Why is it important to analyze users?
  • A common mistake when analyzing users
  • How to choose interviewees
  • Stage 1: Gathering contacts to whom we will write about the interview
  • Stage 2: Sending letters and preparing for the interview
  • Stage 3: The interview
  • Stage 4: First prototypes and repeat interviews
  • Examples of changes based on interview results
  • Final recommendations

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How to choose interviewees

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Final recommendations

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