How to Configure Pam in Linux

Step 1: Understanding PAM:

Read about PAM and its purpose:

man pam
  • man pam: This command opens the manual page for PAM (pam). The manual page provides detailed information about PAM and its purpose. You can navigate through the manual page using arrow keys, and press q to exit.


man pam

Step 2: Backup Configuration Files:

Create a backup directory:

sudo mkdir /etc/pam.d/backup

Copy existing PAM configuration files to the backup directory:

sudo cp -r /etc/pam.d/* /etc/pam.d/backup


  • sudo mkdir /etc/pam.d/backup: This command creates a new directory named backup inside /etc/pam.d/. The sudo command is used to run the mkdir command with administrative privileges.
  • sudo cp -r /etc/pam.d/* /etc/pam.d/backup: This command copies all files and directories from /etc/pam.d/ to the newly created backup directory. The -r flag stands for recursive, ensuring that all contents of the directory are copied.

Step 3: Select a Configuration File:

Choose the appropriate configuration file for the application or service you’re configuring:

cd /etc/pam.d/


  • cd /etc/pam.d/: This command changes the current directory to /etc/pam.d/, where PAM configuration files are stored.
  • ls: This command lists all the files in the /etc/pam.d/ directory, allowing you to see the available PAM configuration files for various applications and services.


cd /etc/pam.d/ls

Step 4: Edit Configuration File:

Use a text editor to open the chosen configuration file (e.g., sudo nano common-auth):

sudo nano common-auth


  • sudo nano common-auth: This command opens the common-auth file in the Nano text editor with administrative privileges. You can replace nano with your preferred text editor, such as vi or Vim. Editing this file allows you to configure authentication rules for common authentication methods.


sudo nano common-auth

Step 5: Understanding Module Control Flags:

Read about control flags and their meanings:

man pam.conf


  • man pam.conf: This command opens the manual page for pam.conf, where you can read about control flags and their meanings. Control flags determine how PAM modules behave during the authentication process


man pam.conf

Step 6: Identify Module Options:

Now we move on to the editing of the PAM configuration file (common-auth in this case) where additional, removed, or modified lines are either added or removed as per the bold requirements.

Step 7: Test Configurations:

It is also essential to monitor the interplay between our test configurations and our Cybersecurity system to avoid any potential conflicts or disruptions.

Next, make sure to examine the impact of possible PAM modifications in a safe manner, for instance by using an extra account on the test user or a virtual machine, to double-check that the authentication system functions properly.

Step 8: Apply Changes:

When perfected, save the update and then reboot the concerned application or service. For example, to restart the SSH service:For example, to restart the SSH service:

sudo systemctl restart sshd

Congratulations, once you’re confident changes are presented, save the edited PAM configuration file and upgrade the concerned service or application to realize the newly affected settings. This is exemplified by a syntax in which SSH service is restarted (sshd) via the sudo systemctl restart sshd.

What is Linux PAM Module and How to configure it?

Security and authentication issues or concerns are vital aspects of Linux operating systems. As administrators work daily to make a scalable and versatile computing environment that can evolve and change with each new need, the requirement of versatile and adjustable authentication mechanisms is becoming increasingly important. Among the features of Linux PAM is its Pluggability, a facility that has greatly improved how authentication is managed in Linux devices.

Table of Content

  • Explanation of Linux PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules):
  • Features and Capabilities:
  • How to Configure Pam in Linux
    • Step 1: Understanding PAM:
    • Step 2: Backup Configuration Files:
    • Step 3: Select a Configuration File:
    • Step 4: Edit Configuration File:
    • Step 5: Understanding Module Control Flags:
    • Step 6: Identify Module Options:
    • Step 7: Test Configurations:
    • Step 8: Apply Changes:
  • Use Cases and Examples of Linux PAM:

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How to Configure Pam in Linux

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Linux PAM is not only one of the applications for the security of commercial computing, but it can also solve various security problems, including protecting mission-critical servers and gardening desktop working environments. Some common use cases include:...


PAM is a powerful and simple to apply authentication library that is, nowadays, a natural process of most Linux systems. PAM helps system administrators to tailor authentication into processes as modular and extensible architecture is provided by it which is to say the authenticating mechanism is detached from the application. To ensure a strong password, to implement multi-factor authentication, or to protect remote access, nothing is more appropriate than both the robust and adaptable solution for authentication challenges: that Linux PAM offers....