How to create an S3 bucket using Terraform on AWS?


Step 1: Open the cmd if you are in Windows and configure aws using the aws configure command.

aws configure

Step 2: After that open a code editor(vs code) and make a file called

.tf is the file extension for the terraform file. This file will store the information about the cloud provider, version, and region for the s3 bucket. Use the following code to set the provider, version, and region.

 terraform {
        source = "hashicorp/aws"
        version = "4.33.0"

provider "aws"{
    #configuration options
    region = "us-east-1"

After this open terminal where this file is located and type terraform init to initialize terraform. The Terraform init command prepares the working directory for use with Terraform. It initialises the backend, any child module installation and any plugin installation.

Step 3: Now we have defied our provider.Let’s create S3 bucket , make a file called in the same directory where file is located. In this file we have define the resource , bucket name. The bucket name should be unique , here the bucket name is “my-s3-test-bucket02” . Here is the following code :

# Bucket creation
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "my_s3_bucket"{
    bucket = "my-s3-test-bucket02"

    tags = {
    Name = "My bucket"
    Enviroment ="Dev"

After this run terraform plan command.The plan command determines the deltas between the current configuration and prior state data.

Step 4: Now you have to run terraform apply command to create a S3 bucket in AWS.

terraform apply

This command will start create S3 bucket in aws console. After few minutes the bucket has been created.

Step 5 : To confirm that your S3 bucket has been created, head over to the AWS management console then go to S3 then Buckets. You will see that our bucket “my-s3-test-bucket02” has been created.

Step 6: If you’d like to clean up this S3 bucket you can run the command terraform destroy in the terminal.

terraform destroy

How To Create AWS S3 Bucker Using Terraform ?

S3 stands for Simple Storage Service. S3 buckets are cloud storage services by Amazon Web Service. It is used to store objects, It consists of data in any format like documents, images, videos, and application code. These are highly scalable.

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