How to Create the First Campaign in Facebook Business Manager

Creating a marketing campaign with Facebook Business Manager is not a very difficult task. First, you need to decide the objective of your campaign that you want to achieve by running it and giving a suitable title to it. The next step is to carefully draft the budget while ensuring the effective utilization of the present resources.

Then you need to identify the target audience and run the campaign. Facebook Business Manager will show you various insights about the performance of your campaign, which you can study and apply the learning next.

Also, here are the steps to create a campaign in Facebook business manager:

With Auction buying type

  • The first step is to go to Ads Manager and click on “create”
  • Now choose the type of “auction” you want
  • After that select an “ad objective
  • Then open the creation pane by clicking “continue
  • Once done, choose a special category from “drop down” menu
  • Now choose from any one option for creating an “A/B test
  • Once done, you will get the option to turn on “optimization of campaign budget
  • After completing select “close” to save your campaign or “next” for creating add more creations.

With Reach & Frequency buying type:

  • The first step is to go to Ads Manager and click on “create
  • Now choose “reach and frequency” as your buying type
  • After that select an “ad objective” from the list of options available
  • Then open the creation pane by clicking “continue
  • After completing select “close” to save your campaign or “next” for creating add more creations.

How to Use Meta Business Manager (Facebook Business Manager)

Are you struggling with the delegations of authority and information related to your business’s social media pages and ad accounts? Managing them right is a great struggle, isn’t it? Especially at this point when the stories about hackers ruining great businesses are on top! You need a platform that can solve your problem and help you effectively manage everything, a single place to look out for your social media insights, and help you out on the effectiveness of your marketing campaign. This is what Facebook Business Manager is all about. To make it more clear to you, we have centralized all the information through this blog; you must go through it to get a hold of what it is!

How to Use Facebook Business Manager

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