How to Delete Your Reddit Browsing History?

Reddit is a news or information broadcasting app that comes with flexible features for the users. Do you want to know how to delete your browsing history on Reddit? Below, we have explained that one can delete their browsing history on Reddit without any hassle. So, let us start.


If you want to delete your search history on Reddit, it will take less than two minutes to complete this action.

One should start the process by opening the Reddit app and then simply tap on the search bar. Now, you can see the ‘X’ option next to whatever you are searching. One has to click on this option, and here you go. Your browsing history is now deleted.


Deleting the browsing history on Android and iOS is a similar process. But to clear all your confusion, we are going to explain how one can easily delete their browsing history on iOS.

  • Start by opening the Reddit app and then tapping on the profile icon.
  • Now select the settings option from the menu.
  • Scroll down and look for a clear local history option.
  • Confirm your action by tapping on ‘clear local history’ again.

And here you go! Just by following these simple steps, you have successfully deleted your browsing history.

How to View and Delete Your Reddit Browsing History

The Internet is an evolving entity that has helped people worldwide to grow in life. The world of social media has played a major role in making the Internet one of the biggest miracles in the history of human evolution. Instagram, Reddit, Facebook, etc., are all social media platforms that are equally popular among the world’s population. One such platform that has gained immense popularity due to its advanced features is Reddit.

Reddit is an American venture and a social forum for sharing content. The site members create quantitative content and promote it through the voting-based system. The main aim of the site is to promote a particular piece of content by making it accessible to people through reading.

This social media platform is free for the users and was carted by Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian in 2005. Conde Nest acquired the company’s publications in October 2006. Research has shown that Reddit has made qualitative content accessible to people, making it one of the most popular social media platforms. It was reported that in the year 2012, more than 35 million followers used Reddit every month.

Do you want to know more about Reddit? Are you interested in knowing what Reddit features are? If yes, then read the information below.

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