How to Evaluate Logistic Regression Model?

We can evaluate the logistic regression model using the following metrics:

  • Accuracy: Accuracy provides the proportion of correctly classified instances.
  • Precision: Precision focuses on the accuracy of positive predictions.
  • Recall (Sensitivity or True Positive Rate): Recall measures the proportion of correctly predicted positive instances among all actual positive instances.
  • F1 Score: F1 score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall.
  • Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AUC-ROC): The ROC curve plots the true positive rate against the false positive rate at various thresholds. AUC-ROC measures the area under this curve, providing an aggregate measure of a model’s performance across different classification thresholds.
  • Area Under the Precision-Recall Curve (AUC-PR): Similar to AUC-ROC, AUC-PR measures the area under the precision-recall curve, providing a summary of a model’s performance across different precision-recall trade-offs.

Logistic Regression in Machine Learning

Logistic regression is a supervised machine learning algorithm used for classification tasks where the goal is to predict the probability that an instance belongs to a given class or not. Logistic regression is a statistical algorithm which analyze the relationship between two data factors. The article explores the fundamentals of logistic regression, it’s types and implementations.

Table of Content

  • What is Logistic Regression?
  • Logistic Function – Sigmoid Function
  • Types of Logistic Regression
  • Assumptions of Logistic Regression
  • How does Logistic Regression work?
  • Code Implementation for Logistic Regression
  • Precision-Recall Tradeoff in Logistic Regression Threshold Setting
  • How to Evaluate Logistic Regression Model?
  • Differences Between Linear and Logistic Regression

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