How to File a Report with the IRS?

The IRS provides a specific form for reporting suspected tax law violations:

  • Form 3949-A, Information Referral: You can submit this form online at the IRS website ( or mail it in.

Information to Include

To help the IRS investigate, provide as much of the following information on Form 3949-A:

  • Suspect’s details: Name, address, Social Security number (if known), and any business affiliations.
  • Type of suspected fraud: Describe the activity you believe is fraudulent.
  • How you know about the fraud: Explain your source of information.
  • Dollar amounts involved: Estimate the amount of unpaid taxes if possible.
  • Any other relevant details: Include anything that seems pertinent to the investigation.

IRS will keep your identity confidential. You will not generally be updated on the status of your report, as tax records are protected by privacy laws.

How to Report Someone to the IRS?

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) relies on honest taxpayers to fund government operations and essential services. When someone cheats on their taxes, it undermines the system and places an unfair burden on the rest of us. If you have reason to believe someone is evading their tax obligations, reporting them to the IRS is the right thing to do.

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