How to Fix Dangling Modifier?

Dealing with the dangling modifier is dealing with the clear and logical connection between the modifier and the word or phrase that should be modified in the sentence. Here is the specific way to fix dangling modifiers:

  1. Identify the Subject: Identify which subject of the modifier should be the subject doing or completing the action the modifier portrays. In other words, say who or what does the action the modifier describes.
  2. Place Modifier Close to Subject: The placement of the modifier must bring it closer to the word or phrase being modified. Rearrange the structure of the sentence in order to locate the modifier next to the subject it describes or near this particular subject.
  3. Replace or Clarify: Clarify if necessary to show how the subject and the modifier connect. Add the missing subject to the sentence or provide additional context to clarify the intended meaning.
  4. Use Specific Language: Replace vague or ambiguous language with specific terms to ensure clarity. Choose precise words and phrases that leave no doubt about the subject being modified.

Dangling Modifiers | How To Fix Them

A modifier is used in a sentence to describe, qualify, or limit other elements of the sentence, such as a noun, a verb, an adjective, or another modifier itself. Depending on the structure and syntax of the sentence, they are placed either before or after the word or phrase to be modified.

In simple terms, modifiers help to add or make clear the meaning of the word or phrase they modify, hence making writing more precise and detailed.

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Dangling Modifiers- FAQs

Is dangling modifier a mistake?...