How to Fork a Repo in GitHub

Step 1: Open the repository that you want to Fork there You can see the icon as shown in the image below in the repo’s top right corner. Now, this feature is used to Fork the repo.

Fork a GitHub Repositor

Step 2: Go to any repository that you want to Fork here we are using a sample repo of Python official repository.

Fork a GitHub Repositor

Step 3: Find the Fork button in the top right corner.

Fork a GitHub Repositor

Step 4: Click on Fork.

Step 5: Now you have your own copy of the repository. But how can we confirm for which do refer to below visual aid as follows:

Fork a GitHub Repositor

Now we can see your user name(**********)/mern-todo-app and also below that, we have the link to the original project I forked from.

Whatever changes are made to ‘******/mern-todo-app We can make my changes here and then make a Pull Request to the maintainers of the project. Now it is in their hand if they will accept or reject your changes to the main project.

How to Fork a GitHub Repository?

GitHub is a great application that helps you manage your Git repositories. Forking a GitHub repository is a common practice that allows you to create your own copy of a repository hosted on GitHub. In this article, we will learn more about Git-Fork and its uses.

Table of Content

  • What is GitHub Repository Forking?
  • How to Fork a Repo in GitHub
  • Fork Using Command Line

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How to Fork a Repo in GitHub

Step 1: Open the repository that you want to Fork there You can see the icon as shown in the image below in the repo’s top right corner. Now, this feature is used to Fork the repo....

Fork Using Command Line

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Forking a GitHub repository enables users to create their own copy of a project. It’s useful for contributing to open-source projects or experimenting with code changes. This process encourages collaboration and allows developers to maintain separate development branches while contributing back to the original repository through pull requests. Overall, forking provides community engagement and the sharing of code among developers....