How to Gain an Empathic Understanding of People?

  • Be curious: You should approach interactions with others with genuine interest and curiosity. You can ask questions too. Learn about others. And don’t pre assume anything or that someone feel in the same way that you do.
  • Instead of focusing on differences, find common things and similarities: Because shared experiences helps in creating empathy. You should understand that everyone experiences emotions may be the context varies.
  • Try to put yourself in their positions: In this way you can understand their challenges, competitions, motivations and feelings more effectively. You should question the assumptions and actively seek to understand beyond the stereotypes and be aware of your biases and preconceptions.
  • When someone shares their emotions, feelings, listen carefully: Summarize what you hear and understand to acknowledge their emotional shift. Engage in activities to promote your understanding and compassion. Like you can participate as volunteer for community service and support that resonate with you

How to Develop an Empathic Approach in Design Thinking?

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How to Gain an Empathic Understanding of People?

Be curious: You should approach interactions with others with genuine interest and curiosity. You can ask questions too. Learn about others. And don’t pre assume anything or that someone feel in the same way that you do. Instead of focusing on differences, find common things and similarities: Because shared experiences helps in creating empathy. You should understand that everyone experiences emotions may be the context varies. Try to put yourself in their positions: In this way you can understand their challenges, competitions, motivations and feelings more effectively. You should question the assumptions and actively seek to understand beyond the stereotypes and be aware of your biases and preconceptions. When someone shares their emotions, feelings, listen carefully: Summarize what you hear and understand to acknowledge their emotional shift. Engage in activities to promote your understanding and compassion. Like you can participate as volunteer for community service and support that resonate with you...


Hence we have understand that the emphathic approach of design is way to create a design which connects us with the users. The main goal behind the emphatic design is to understand the needs, desires, emotions of users, so that designers not only meet the functional requirements, but also build strong connections with users which give long lasting impressions. Empathic design favors user satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty which would lead to continuous innovation. That’s why we should prioritize empathy in the design process. So that our creation could empower the lives of users. Regardless of their background and abilities....