How to Get Into Product-Based Companies?

Every service-based company’s employees wonder how hard it can be to switch from a service-based company to a product-based company. Getting into a product-based company may be more challenging than getting into a service-based one. When it comes to recruiting individuals, service-based businesses often go through interview rounds that involve aptitude tests, coding tests, and technical and HR rounds.

Whereas product-based organizations often go through interview rounds that involve online coding assessments, and behavioral and technical interviews. Clearing these rounds is more difficult than competing for service-based companies’ coding and interview rounds. They are more concerned with problem-solving abilities. However, as long as you are constant in your efforts, switching to a product-based company is not a tough nut to crack. 

Most software engineers switch to a product-based company after a year or two of working in a service-based company. If you’re already in a service-based IT company, you might have a little disadvantage as most product-based IT companies seek candidates who already have experience in product-based companies.

However, this is not something that you can’t overcome if you know the right way to grab recruiters’ interest through LinkedIn or from a friend’s referral in a product-based company. You can also apply through online job portals. Ensure that your resume is ATS compiled and you’ve included all the relevant key skills, achievements, and keywords that can grab recruiters’ eyes.

Read these articles to understand how you can format your resume for top tech companies:

How To Switch From Service-Based To Product Based Company

If you’re a software engineer and loaded with lots of rigid work, little to less work-life balance, and bare minimum pay, it’s understandable to become frustrated because of your service-based job. Let’s agree that no one wants to get stuck in some monotonous service-based company where there’s no thrill left to enjoy. So, if you’ve finally decided to switch to a product-based company or just looking out for answers to questions like how to switch from service-based to a product-based company or “how to get into product-based companies”, you’ve come to the right place.

Software Engineers – no matter which type of company they are placed in – thrive regardless because of their on-demand capabilities. However, if you as a software engineer can get extra benefits like amazing incentives along with a big paycheck, flexible job timing, and many more things that can boost your motivation to work 10x times. Wouldn’t you start loving your work as well? 

Well, you can get all of these things from pay scale some days product-based companies. While it’s important to get a job that defines your job profile perfectly but it’s also crucial to notice how your work environment affects you when it comes to switching companies.

Before moving forward to understand how to switch from a service-based to a product-based company, you should know first what product-based companies and service-based companies do.

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