How to Link JavaScript File in HTML ?

JavaScript can be added to HTML file in two ways:

  • Internal JS: We can add JavaScript directly to our HTML file by writing the code inside the <script> tag. The <script> tag can either be placed inside the <head> or the <body> tag according to the requirement.
  • External JS: We can write JavaScript code in another files having an extension.js and then link this file inside the <head> tag of the HTML file in which we want to add this code.


// JavaScript Code



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        Basic Example to Describe JavaScript
    <!-- JavaScript code can be embedded inside
        head section or body section -->
        console.log("Welcome to w3wiki");

Output: The output will display on the console.

Welcome to w3wiki

Introduction to JavaScript

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JavaScript is a lightweight, cross-platform, single-threaded, and interpreted compiled programming language. It is also known as the scripting language for webpages. It is well-known for the development of web pages, and many non-browser environments also use it....

How to Link JavaScript File in HTML ?

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History of JavaScript


Features of JavaScript

It was created in 1995 by Brendan Eich while he was an engineer at Netscape. It was originally going to be named LiveScript but was renamed. Unlike most programming languages, JavaScript language has no concept of input or output. It is designed to run as a scripting language in a host environment, and it is up to the host environment to provide mechanisms for communicating with the outside world. The most common host environment is the browser....

Applications of JavaScript

According to a recent survey conducted by Stack Overflow, JavaScript is the most popular language on earth. With advances in browser technology and JavaScript having moved into the server with Node.js and other frameworks, JavaScript is capable of so much more. Here are a few things that we can do with JavaScript:...

Limitations of JavaScript

Web Development: Adding interactivity and behavior to static sites JavaScript was invented to do this in 1995. By using AngularJS that can be achieved so easily. Web Applications: With technology, browsers have improved to the extent that a language was required to create robust web applications. When we explore a map in Google Maps then we only need to click and drag the mouse. All detailed view is just a click away, and this is possible only because of JavaScript. It uses Application Programming Interfaces(APIs) that provide extra power to the code. The Electron and React are helpful in this department. Server Applications: With the help of Node.js, JavaScript made its way from client to server and Node.js is the most powerful on the server side. Games: Not only in websites, but JavaScript also helps in creating games for leisure. The combination of JavaScript and HTML 5 makes JavaScript popular in game development as well. It provides the EaseJS library which provides solutions for working with rich graphics. Smartwatches: JavaScript is being used in all possible devices and applications. It provides a library PebbleJS which is used in smartwatch applications. This framework works for applications that require the Internet for their functioning. Art: Artists and designers can create whatever they want using JavaScript to draw on HTML 5 canvas, and make the sound more effective also can be used p5.js library. Machine Learning: This JavaScript ml5.js library can be used in web development by using machine learning. Mobile Applications: JavaScript can also be used to build an application for non-web contexts. The features and uses of JavaScript make it a powerful tool for creating mobile applications. This is a Framework for building web and mobile apps using JavaScript. Using React Native, we can build mobile applications for different operating systems. We do not require to write code for different systems. Write once use it anywhere!...

Why JavaScript is known as a lightweight programming language ?

Security risks: JavaScript can be used to fetch data using AJAX or by manipulating tags that load data such as , ,