How to Make a UI Designer Portfolio?

Follow the step-by-step guide given below to create a UI Designer Portfolio of your own:

Step 1. Research about your career goals

It is very important to know what your career aspirations are and what your strengths are. Start with researching the market trends and see where is the intersection between the skills you have and the skills companies are demanding. For this, you can look out for job descriptions of the companies that are hiring.

Step 2. Review your past projects

Review and make sure that your past projects are matching to your career goals and to the requirements of the companies you are applying for. Projects plays a crucial role in the hiring process so ensure that your projects are of professional level. A additional tip is to reach out to professionals on their socials and ask them to review your projects. You can then implement their feedback into your projects.

Step 3. Create a good user interface

If you are showcasing yourself as a UI designer, your portfolio’s UI should reflect it as well. For that make sure that you are following all the web design principles, along with your UI. Your user experience is also evaluated so work on that as well. We have discussed some points on how to do that in the next section.

Step 4. Write 3-5 detailed case studies

Out of the projects you have reviewed in step 2 select 3-5 of the best projects which are diverse from one another, write a detailed case study for every project which includes the wireframes, beautiful screenshots, mockups and prototypes that demonstrates your design journey.

Step 5. Feedback and iterate

Like in UI design, feedback is crucial for creating professional designs, similarly feedback is critical for creating a professional appearing portfolio. Review your portfolio and iterate until you get a professional appearing portfolio that follow all the major web design principles.

How to Make a UI Designer Portfolio?

In the current job scenario where there are plenty of designers applying for a single role, a strong portfolio is what acts as a differentiator and makes you stand apart from the crowd. According to a survey conducted by The Creative Group, about 78% of hiring managers have said that a strong portfolio is crucial when they evaluate candidates for a UI designer role.

In this article, we will discuss how to create a UI designer portfolio of your own and some tips for a UI designer portfolio.

UI Designer Portfolio

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