How to Manage Organisational Politics?


To promote a healthy and productive work environment while minimizing the negative impacts of organisational politics, management can adopt the following strategies:

  1. Clearly Define Roles and Authority: Establish well-defined job descriptions, rules, and procedures that outline the roles and authority of each organisational member. This promotes transparency and fairness, reducing the likelihood of favouritism or nepotism.
  2. Discourage Unethical Behavior: Create a culture that actively discourages unethical conduct. Make it clear that engaging in such behaviour will not be tolerated and will result in appropriate consequences.
  3. Foster Accountability: Hold individuals accountable for their actions and decisions. Encourage a sense of personal responsibility and discourage the tendency to shift blame onto others. This cultivates a culture of ownership and promotes responsible decision-making.
  4. Establish Objective Performance Measures: Set clear and objective performance targets and align rewards accordingly. This ensures that employees are motivated to engage in behaviours that contribute positively to the organisation’s goals and discourage behaviours that hinder productivity or create dysfunction.
  5. Cultivate a Positive Organisational Climate: Create an inclusive and supportive environment where open communication, collaboration, and constructive feedback are valued. Encourage teamwork and discourage negative political behaviours that can undermine trust and collaboration among team members.

Organisational Politics: Political Strategies and Tactics

Organisational politics refers to the complex dynamics and interactions that occur within an organisation as individuals and groups navigate power, influence, and personal interests. It involves the informal and formal strategies, behaviours, and activities employed to advance personal agendas or gain advantages. Organisational politics encompasses various actions like forming alliances, networking, and strategic behaviours, all influenced by factors such as individual motivations, conflicting goals, and organisational culture. While it can be perceived negatively due to its potential for conflicts and hindered decision-making, there are positive aspects too. Functional political behaviours, such as strategic influence and negotiation, can align interests with organisational goals and contribute to effective outcomes. Individuals and leaders must understand and navigate organisational politics to foster a positive work environment, build alliances, and influence outcomes that benefit both individuals and the organisation as a whole.


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How to Manage Organisational Politics?
