How to Multiply Fractions with Same Denominators

Fractions with the same denominator, are also called like fractions. Multiplication of Fractions with the same denominators is not very different from the multiplication of fractions already discussed in the article. In this case, we also multiply the denominator with the denominator and the numerator with the numerator to get the product of the fraction.

Suppose we have two fractions say, a/b and c/b, here we see that the denominator of both fractions is the same. Now we can easily find their product as,

a/b × c/b = (a×c)/(b×b) = ac/b2

The image added below shows the same,

An example of the multiplication of the like fraction is given below.

Example: Find the product of 2/3 and 7/3.


2/3 × 7/3

= (2×7) / (3×3) [Simplifying it further]

= 14/9

Multiplication of Fractions – How to Multiply Fractions, Steps, and Examples

Multiplication of Fractions- Multiplication of Fractions is a concept that helps us multiply two fractions or to find the products of two fractions.

Fractions are numerical expressions represented by the division of two numbers where both the numbers are generally coprime. To multiply any two given fractions we multiply the numerator of both the fractions and multiply the denominator of both fractions separately which will be discussed in detail further in the article.

In this article, we will explore how to do multiplication of fractions by fractions, and multiplication of fractions with the same and different denominators, along with examples. Other than that we will also learn about the rules of multiplication of fractions with whole numbers, multiplication of mixed fractions, multiplication of improper fractions, etc.

Table of Content

  • Multiplication of Fractions
  • How to Multiply Fractions?
  • Rules of Multiplication of Fractions by Fractions
  • How to Multiply Fractions with Same Denominators
  • How to Multiply Fractions with Different Denominators?
  • Multiplication of Improper Fractions
  • Multiplication of Fractions with Whole Numbers
  • How to Multiply Mixed Fractions
  • Dividing Fractions by Fractions
  • Division and Multiplication of Fractions
  • Simplification of Fractions
  • Solved Examples of Multiplication of Fractions
  • Practice Problems on Multiplication of Fractions

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