How to Pick the Perfect Answer?

The best way to draft a perfect answer is by using the PROVE approach:

  • Position(P): Describe the position you were in when the event occurred. Further, discuss the task that you have completed.
  • Responsibility(R): What was your responsibility or what difference did you make in the whole process?
  • Outcome(O): This parameter includes the outcome of the whole event like how positively you handled the whole situation.
  • Value(V): This parameter includes what value your contribution added to the organization.
  • End Result(E): This part includes the results with facts, figures, and specifications. Like how much profit, sales, conversion, etc. you brought to the organization.

How to Talk About Your Achievements in an Interview?

You were applying for the job for a long time and finally, your resume is shortlisted now. You must be sweating with nervousness because it’s the time for your interview but it’s just a cakewalk with the right practice. Behavioral questions play a crucial role in your hiring process. It helps the interviewer to analyze past performance and how you will perform once you are hired. Learning how to talk about your achievements is crucial in getting hired. 

Consider yourself fortunate enough that if your interviewer asks this question it is the right time to manifest your potential. So prepare well for this question and ace your chances of getting hired. As per the interviewer’s perspective, if they ask this question they want to know how you are better than other candidates and how you can add value to the organization.

In this blog, we will discuss How to Talk About Your Achievements in an Interview. So let’s get started.

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