How to Profile C++ Code Running in Linux?

In this section, we will see how we can profile the C++ Code which is Running in Linux. So follow the below steps along with command executions to monitor and profile the C++ Code in Linux without any issue or problem.

Step 1: Open the Terminal

In the very first step, we need to have an active terminal, through which the entire profile of profiling will be done. In Linux, we can open the terminal by navigating to the Applications Menu or by using the Keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + ALT + T” to open the terminal.

Open the Terminal

Step 2: Update Repositories

Once the terminal is been launched, we need to update the repositories using the apt manager. Updating the repositories will help ensure the proper installation of all prerequisites like gprof and g++ compiler. So execute the below command to update the repositories.

sudo apt update

Update Repositories

Step 3: Install GCC

After updating the repository, we need to install GNU Compiler Collection or GCC. If you haven’t installed it earlier, then you need to execute the below command to install it on your Linux system. GCC is a collection of compilers and tools for completing and optimizing code that is within the languages of C, C++, Fortran, Ada, etc.

sudo apt-get install build-essential

Install GCC

Step 4: Install gprof

As we are using the gprof Profiler to profile the C++ code in Linux, we need to install gprof on our system. If it is not installed on the system, you need to install it by using the below command.

sudo apt-get install binutils

Install gprof

Step 5: Create C++ Program File

Once all the prerequisites are installed, we need to create a C++ Program file using a text editor. We will be using the nano text editor. So execute the below command to create the C++ program file using the nano editor.

nano main.cpp

Create C++ Program File

Step 6: Write C++ Program Code

Once the file is created, we need to write the code we will be profiling using the gprof. Below we have added the C++ program code.


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
void fastFunction() {
    double result = 0.0;
    for (int i = 1; i <= 1000000; ++i) {
        result += std::sin(i) * std::cos(i);
void slowFunction() {
    double result = 0.0;
    for (int i = 1; i <= 3000000; ++i) {
        result += std::sqrt(i) * std::log(i);
int main() {
    std::cout << "Profiling Example Program\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
    std::cout << "Program completed.\n";
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Write C++ Program Code

The above program has two functions, fastFunction and slowFunction, each containing computationally intensive operations. It is designed for profiling purposes to showcase the use of profiling tools like gprof. The function’s differing complexities provide a basis for analyzing time distribution and identifying performance bottlenecks during program execution.

Step 7: Compile with Profiling Flags

Now, we need to compile the C++ program with the -pg flag using the GNU Compiler (g++). The -pg flag performs the executable with profiling code, allowing the subsequent execution to generate data for performance analysis using gprof.

g++ -pg -o my_program main.cpp

Compile with Profiling Flags

Step 8: Run the Program

Now, by using the below command, we can run the program. If the program is executed with the output, then we can say that the program is running in the proper desired manner.


Run the Program

Step 9: Generate Profiling Data

After running the program, execute the below gprof command to generate profiling data files. The gprof will generate all the performance metrics of each function in the C++ program along with the insights like time elapsed and more details.

gprof my_program gmon.out > analysis.txt

Generate Profiling Data

Step 10: View Profiling Information

Now, by using the cat command or by using the editors we can view the output profiled information.

cat analysis.txt

In the below output screenshot, we can see the total time, percentage of total program time, average time per call for each function, and other insightful information.

Output 1

In the below output, we can see the complete total time of each function to perform the computations that are specified in the C++ program code.

Output 2

how to profile C++ code running in Linux

In Linux, Profiling C++ code is an important process in optimizing and understanding the overall performance metrics of our program. The profiling process consists of the tasks of analyzing the execution time of various functions which we have implemented in our code, this also allows us to identify the bottlenecks and the areas of improvement. So, in this article, we will see how we can profile C++ code using the GNU Profiler (gprof) on the Kali Linux Operating System.

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How to Profile C++ Code Running in Linux?

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