How to Read Instapaper and Pocket Articles on Kindle?

To read Instapaper or Pocket articles on your Kindle, connect your accounts and send saved articles directly to your device. Here is how to do it. We have explained this step by step using proper demonstration.

Steps to Rend Instapaper Articles to Kindle?

To send Instapaper saved content to Kindle. We need to integrate the Kindle account into Instapaper. Integrating Kindle with Instapaper allows you to easily send saved web content for offline reading, enhancing your reading experience and convenience. Here’s how to do it.

Step 1: Click on your login ID and select Settings.

Step 2: Now click on the “What’s this” link as shown below to get your Instapaper ID.

Step 3: Copy the email ID and add it to your Approved Personal Document E-mail List.

Step 4: Click on the Kindle Personal Document Settings link where you have to paste this ID.

Step 5: After clicking the link, If you see this screen. It means you haven’t updated your default Kindle store to Amazon. Click on the below-shown link labelled with a red arrow. (You can skip to step 8 if your Kindle store is updated).

Step 6: Click Update Your Default Kindle Store to button.

Step 7: Now go back and click on the preferences

Step 8: Go to the Preferences tab.

Step 9: Scroll down and click on Personal Document Settings.

Step 10: Paste this ID Under the Approved Personal Document E-mail List and copy the Send-to-Kindle E-Mail ID.

Step 11: Paste this Kindle ID here into orange box (as shown below). Check the Kindle Automatic Delivery Box and click Save Kindle preferences.

Step 12: Also Check these boxes: Send Article Now and Get Kindle Bookmarklet.

Step 13: Now drag the Send to Kindle button to your bookmark bar.

Step 14: Simply click this bookmarklet to send the current webpage to your Kindle.

Open your Kindle Account & check Saved Web Content

Once you open your Kindle account, you will find that all the articles and content saved in your Instapaper account are automatically synced and available in your Kindle library. This seamless integration allows you to access your saved content across devices conveniently.

Steps to Read Pocket Articles on Kindle?

Step 1: Open Pocket to Kindle site. Click the Get Started button.

Step 2: Click Authorize button to access your account.

Step 3: Enter your login email address to continue.

Step 4: Select a plan that fits you, initially you can start with the free-basic plan and then can upgrade it.

Step 5: Now, click on Create Recurring Delivery to set up your article delivery schedule.

Step 6: On the home screen, Set time, date, zone etc. as per your choice. Then click Start Delivery button.

Step 7: On the next window, Copy your P2K email ID and click on the link – ‘Click here’ to go to your Kindle’s content and device page

Step 8: You will be landed on the Content and Devices pages, Go to the preference tab and select Personal Document Settings.

Step 9: Scroll Down to the Approved email list. Click to add a new approved e-mail address.

Step 10: Paste the P2K email ID here. Click Add Address button.

Step 11: Copy your Kindle email ID from the send-to-kindle email settings.

Step 12: Paste this Kindle ID here and click Start Delivering Now button.

Hence you have successfully created a new delivery for your articles. Your articles are scheduled to be sent to your Kindle in Your designated time. Like this you can read pocket articles on Kindle.

How to Read Instapaper and Pocket Articles on Kindle?

You can save web articles, news items, and other stuff for later reading on Instapaper and Pocket. Some people would rather read stored information on their phone or computer than on their Kindle e-reader.

Why? Because there aren’t any interruptions or pop-up notifications like on other devices, reading on a Kindle can be more enjoyable. Long reading sessions are easier for the eyes because the Kindle screen mimics a real book.

In today’s article we learn how to read Instapaper and Pocket articles on Kindle but first, let’s see how to save and read articles on Instapaper.

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