How to Run A Exited Docker Container? A Step-By-Step Guide

Step 1: Login into AWS console

Step 2: Launch EC2 instance

  • Launch the EC2 instance with amazon linux AMI and select instance type and configured VPC,security groups
  • root volume gp2 with 8Gb memory.
  • allow ssh port 22 and https port 443
  • finally, connect the instance through CLI terminal with ssh command
ssh -i keypair ec2-user@public-IP

Step 3: Install and start Docker

  • install the docker with the help of yum
sudo yum install -y docker

  • Start and enable the docker to use docker services with systemctl
  • Set the read and write permissions to the docker socket
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock

Step 4: List out the Stopped / Exited Container

  • First we need to verify and identify the existed containers which you want to run or restart the containers.
  • you can do this by executing the following command in your terminal.
docker ps -a --filter "status=exited"

Step 5: Note Container ID or Name

  • There,you can see the existed containers and the containers are in stopped stage.
  • From the list of exited containers, note down the Container ID or the name of the containers which you want to restart.

Step 6: Start the stopped or Existed Container

  • When you identified the existed containers, you can start it using the following command.
docker start  <Container ID or Name>
  • Replace the Container ID or Name with docker container ID and names

Step 7: Verify the running containers

  • After start or run your docker containers, you can verify the running docker containers status to make sure if it is in running stage by the following command
docker ps

  • It will show the all running containers

Step 8: Attach to the Container

  • We can interact with the listed container and can do some operations in containers shell.
  • To associate with the container’s shell or view its result, you can append to it utilizing the accompanying order.

  • We have Successfully run the exited container.

How to Continue a Docker Container Which has Exited

Docker containers have reformed how programming is developed, deployed, and managed, offering unmatched productivity and consistency across various conditions. In any case, overseeing containers, particularly when they’ve exited, requires a nuanced way to deal with guarantee smooth tasks. At the point when a Docker container exits, it implies the interaction it was running has stopped. This could occur because of different reasons like getting done with its responsibility, experiencing an error, or being manually stopped by a client.

However, it’s fundamental to comprehend the reason why the container exited in any case to forestall a repeat of comparable issues. Proper logging and checking of containerized applications can help recognize and troubleshoot the fundamental issues. Also, taking on accepted procedures for containers the executives, for example, utilizing well-being checks and carrying out agile closure instruments, can improve the dependability and flexibility of Dockerized conditions. By dominating the procedures for overseeing exited Docker containers, you can guarantee the consistent activity of your containerized applications and augment the advantages of container innovation.

In this guide, we will direct you on how to run a docker container and we can interact and attach to the running container in the end.

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