How to Sell on Telegram?

Let’s go through this step-by-step guide to know how to sell on Telegram through application:

Step 1: Open the Telegram App

To launch the Telegram app on your Desktop, navigate your Telegram app and give it a click.

Click on Telegram icon to open Telegram app

Step 2: Click on Three Horizontal Bars

In order to sell your products and goods you need to create a channel first, to do so follow the steps. After opening your Telegram app on your Desktop click on Three Dots located on the top-left corner of the interface, it will open you a drop-down menu.

Click on Three Horizontal Bars

Step 3: Select “New Channel”

When a drop-down menu appears select the “New Channel” from it to go through the steps of creating a channel for selling your products.

Click on New Channel option

Step 4: Give Channel Name >> Give Channel Description

Now in this step you have to give your channel a name and a description in which you can describe your channel and also you can tell about your products and goods that you are going to sell on the channel. Give a brief description about your products so that customers should attract to your channel.

Give your channel description, and Create Channel

Step 5: Select Channel Type >> Create Channel Link >> Click “Create”

Now select the channel type to Public as you are creating a channel for marketing and private channel doesn’t allow random people to enter in the channel. So, select the channel type to Public and create your channel’s invite link that will be used for inviting your contacts to your channel. Click “Create” button to create the channel.

Select your channel type and Click Save

Step 6: Add Products and Services

Once you are done with creating a channel then you should add your products and goods to your channel that you are going to sell on the Telegram channel. You should also insert some product images that can reflect your product’s quality and appearance so that people can be impressed and can visit your channel.

Add Products and Services in your Channel

Step 7: Advertise Your Channel By Promoting

Promoting your channel is one of the major steps in selling products on Telegram, because only by promoting your channel you can grow your channel quickly and your sales will increase a lot. You can promote channel by sharing your channel’s link to the social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and also to the groups. To do so copy the link present on the right-side of the Telegram’s interface.

Copy Channel Link >> Share Your Channel Link

Step 8: Interact With Your Audience

Interacting with your audience affects the channel’s growth because your audience is everything to you it can grow you and also it can bring a downfall into your sales, so interacting with audience is a good way to maintain your channel’s economy.

You can engage your audience by posting good stuff in the channel such as informative and productive text posts, posting articles, news and daily offers. You channel should also contain a good customer support that will increase their interest in the channel.

Step 9: Adding Payment Methods

In order to receive your payments through the customers you have to add a payment method to your channel you can go through the PayPal or UPI payments. By using one of the payment method you can easily solve your problem of receiving payments, when you are adding a payment to your channel you should post the announcement in the channel.

Add your Payment Methods

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How to Sell on Telegram – Quick Steps

  1. Open the Telegram App
  2. Create a Channel
  3. Click on Three Dots >> Select “New Channel”
  4. Give Channel Name >> Give Channel Description
  5. Add Products and Goods
  6. Add Payment Methods
  7. Engage your Audience

Telegram is a well-known platform in terms of instant messaging and connecting, it gives you many features that are used by us in daily life such as communicating with our friends, calling contacts, and so on. Telegram can be used in many ways to accomplish your task because of its exciting features, one of its features of creating a channel in Telegram, you can easily create a selling channel in Telegram. This way you can easily sell on Telegram.

Nowadays, people are using Telegram channels and groups to sell their products and to earn profit. This article will help you learn how you can sell on Telegram with the help of some easy steps.

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Using Telegram for selling is a good way to start selling your products online, it helps you in selling your products on a large scale as Telegram is used all over the world. By using Telegram channels or groups you can start selling on Telegram, so to create a dedicated channel for selling on Telegram open your Telegram app and click on the three bars present on the top-left side and select “Create Channel” from the menu....