How to set environment variable in aws lambda

Are environment variables secure?

Environment variables in AWS Lambda are encrypted at rest using AWS Key Management Service (KMS). You can also use the KMS Key to provide an additional layer of security for sensitive data.

Is there a limit to the number of environment variables or their size?

Yes, AWS Lambda limits the total size of all environment variables to 4 KB. This includes both the keys and the values.

Can I update environment variables without redeploying my Lambda function?

Yes, you can update environment variables without redeploying the function code. However, the function will be briefly unavailable during the update process.

How do I delete an environment variable from my Lambda function?

You can delete an environment variable via the AWS Management Console by removing the key-value pair in the “Environment variables” section and saving the changes. Use AWS CLI Command like below

aws lambda update-function-configuration --function-name <FUNCTION_NAME> --environment Variables={KEY1=,KEY2=VALUE2}

Can I reference AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store or AWS Secrets Manager in environment variables directly?

While you cannot directly reference these services in environment variables, you can retrieve the values from within your Lambda function code using the respective SDKs.

How to Set Environment Variable in AWS Lambda ?

AWS Lambda is a managed serverless deployment service of AWS that can be used for the implementation of various applications in the cloud. AWS lambda may use various environment variables for the execution of different operations. eg. Database Credentials, API Keys .etc. There are various ways we can set these variables in AWS lambda. let’s understand how we can set environment variables in AWS lambda.

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What is AWS Lambda?

AWS Lambda Functions are serverless components that execute code only when the particular trigger is invoked. the trigger for functions has to be configured as required. various triggers such as HTTP, S3 object upload, message queues are supported by AWS Lambda. AWS Lambda reduces the cost of idle infrastructure....

Understanding Of Primary Terminologies

AWS Lambda Function: It is a serverless compute component that allows the execution of code only when invoked without the provision of servers. Function Trigger: It is an event that invokes a lambda function and executes it. E.g. HTTP Trigger, Message queues etc. Lambda handler: It is a function that accepts events that invoke the lambda function and executes code mentioned in the function. Environment Variables : These are properties that are used by the lambda function to perform one or more tasks in the function....

Setting Environment Variables in AWS Lambda

1. Setting AWS Lambda Environment Variables via Management Console....


Thus, we have seen different ways to set environment variables in Lambda . Using AWS console is the most common way to setup environment variables in lambda. For Infrastructure as a Code setting variables in IAAC code script is the best option....

How to set environment variable in aws lambda – FAQs

Are environment variables secure?...