How To Setup The Kubernetes ?

Setting up the kubernetes cluster can be done on top of physical hardware or virtual machines or on top of cloud services. A few quite popular cloud providers that provides kubernetes cluster as a services such as EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Cluster) in AWS , GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) in GCP , AKS (Azure kubernetes service) in Azure. For the installation guidelines refer this article Installation of Kubernetes on Ubuntu.

Kubernetes Cluster

A group of nodes (Computers/Operating systems) working together to communicate with the help of Kubernetes software is known as the Kubernetes cluster. It works in a mechanism in such a way that it performs actions on the worker node with the help of the manager node.

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How To Setup The Kubernetes ?

Setting up the kubernetes cluster can be done on top of physical hardware or virtual machines or on top of cloud services. A few quite popular cloud providers that provides kubernetes cluster as a services such as EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Cluster) in AWS , GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) in GCP , AKS (Azure kubernetes service) in Azure. For the installation guidelines refer this article Installation of Kubernetes on Ubuntu....

FAQs on Kubernetes Cluster

1. What Is Kubernetes Cluster?...