How to Start Appium Server?

Step 1: Install Node.js and npm

Visit the Node.js official website and download the installer appropriate for your system. Follow the installation instructions provided.

website UI for downloading node js

Step 2: Install Appium

Once Node.js is installed, open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command to install Appium globally:

command : npm install -g appium

step 2

Step 3: Start Appium Server

After installing Appium, you can start the Appium Server by simply running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

command :appium

step 3

How to start Appium Server?

In this day and age of application testing process, Appium has become a flagship tool that provides developers the far-reaching application platform coverage of customization that includes iOS, Android, and Windows.

Table of Content

  • Prerequisites for Starting the Appium Server
  • How to Start Appium Server?
  • Best Practices for Starting and Managing Appium Server
  • Integration of Appium Server with Test Automation Frameworks
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

It takes the WebDriver protocol as an underlying which is further used to ease the creation of automated tests.

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Prerequisites for Starting the Appium Server

Before diving into starting the Appium Server, there are a few prerequisites to ensure a smooth setup process:...

How to Start Appium Server?

Step 1: Install Node.js and npm...

Best Practices for Starting and Managing Appium Server

Use Desired Capabilities: Through the process of starting the Appium Server in a session, declarative statement of the needed capabilities can be applied to set the proceeding behavior for the automation process. The designed capabilities give you an option to put some details like the name of device, the platform name and version, app package, app activity, etc. The proper setting of these capability enables to run the automation session in a user-friendly format and also to have the accurate test environment. Handle App Installation and Uninstallation: It includes the automated installation and uninstallation of the mobile under test into your test package and teardown processes. This guarantees that the application is installed and removed before each as well as after each test run into the proper way, the interferences occurring in subsequent tests get prevented and the reliability of your test results is maintained. Manage Appium Server Lifecycle: Devise a strategy that supports service lifecycle of Appium Server, such as turning on/off the server at appropriate times. In order to test the server according to your requirements, you can initiate the testing programmatically and stop the test after completion of the testing for minimizing the use of resources. Also at this point you may apply utilities or libraries providing automatic server control. Implement Appium Session Management: Provide infrastructure for the management of Appium sessions, this includes dealing with session timeouts, session cleanup, and session re-use. Precision in test session management is associated with optimization of resource usage, enhancements of test execution efficiency, and sustainability of test environment. Monitor Server Logs and Error Handling: Monitor Appium Server logs for error reports or other diagnostic information, which helps you to spot issues that may occur and recover them effectively. Implement competent error handling methods in your test scripts to be able to handle incidents beyond the predictable like errors and failures in your test automation softly which can lead to the reliability and stability of your test automation....

Integration of Appium Server with Test Automation Frameworks

1. Selenium WebDriver Integration...


Finally, server application name Appium forms a foundation for automation in the mobile application testing domain. With the sequence of actions and best practices technique, the process of starting and controlling Appium Server is really not difficult. Coordination with testing automation frameworks help in increasing its capabilities, whereby to make test automation suites which are 100% reliable....


1. What is Appium Server?...