How to use and Troubleshoot Containerd?

Containerd comes with a command line tool called ctr and this tool is solely made for debugging Containerd and is not very user friendly as it only supports a limited set of features. While the ctr tool is bundled together with containerd, the ctr tool is solely made for debugging containerd. The nerdcti tool provides stable and human-friendly user experience. We don’t have to necessarily code on Containerd. In fact, We can simply use Kubernetes and Kubernetes will under the hood use Containerd and take that heavy lifting for us.

Follow along with the turotial to learn how to use Containerd’s command line tool ctr:

What Is Containerd?

Containerd in simple terms is a container runtime that is, Containerd is a software responsible for running and managing containers on a host system. It is a resource manager which manages the container processes, image, snapshots, container metadata and its dependencies. Going further, Containerd is a daemon for Linux and Windows, that manages the complete container life cycle of its host system from image transfer and storage to container execution and supervision and beyond. So basically Containerd is a complete package for the container lifecycle.

Containerd is a CNCF (Cloud Native Community Foundation) graduated project. It was the fifth project to graduate from CNCF on 2019. In this article we will learn about Containerd and why it is consider the secret hero of the cloud native world.

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How to use and Troubleshoot Containerd?

Containerd comes with a command line tool called ctr and this tool is solely made for debugging Containerd and is not very user friendly as it only supports a limited set of features. While the ctr tool is bundled together with containerd, the ctr tool is solely made for debugging containerd. The nerdcti tool provides stable and human-friendly user experience. We don’t have to necessarily code on Containerd. In fact, We can simply use Kubernetes and Kubernetes will under the hood use Containerd and take that heavy lifting for us....

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In this article we discussed Containerd in a quite detailed way, Containerd is a daemon for Linux and Windows, that manages the complete container life cycle of its host system from image transfer and storage to container execution and supervision and beyond. We started with a quick intro to Containerd. Then we discussed how Conatinerd was build, how it was kept independent to Docker, how it was given to CNCF (Cloud Native Community Foundation) and how to graguated from CNCF. We then discussed how Containerd actually works. What happens is Docker API gets the request and it passes the request to Containerd, which then passes the request to run c. After that we discussed how to use ctr which is the command line interface for Containerd. At the end we discussed some important features of Containerd....

FAQs On Containerd

1. What is Containerd used for?...