How to use BinaryField ?

Any type of data can be converted into bytes including integers, strings, images, etc. Let’s try to save a string into the BinaryField. String can be converted to bytes using the generic bytes function. This function internally points to CPython Library which implicitly calls the encode function for converting the string to the specified encoding.  


# importing the model
# from geeks app
from geeks.models import GeeksModel
# creating a string
test_string = "GFG is best"
# creating a bytes object
res = bytes(test_string, 'utf-8')
# creating a instance of
# GeeksModel
geek_object = GeeksModel.objects.create(geeks_field = res)

Now let’s check it in admin server. We have created an instance of GeeksModel 

Possible errors
As specified, BinaryField is a non-editable field, if you manually try to make it editable using editable=True it will create unexpected errors. It should be created in a function so that objects can be allocated to it. 

BinaryField – Django Models

BinaryField is a special field to store raw binary data. It can be assigned bytes, bytearray, or memoryview. By default, BinaryField sets editable to False, that is it can’t be included in a ModelForm. Since BinaryField stores raw data or in other terms a python object, it can not be manually entered and needs to be assigned through a view or django shell. This is what editable to False means, that is it can’t be edited through any form.


field_name = models.BinaryField(**options)

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