How to use our model?

You can simply access our project website here.

After visiting there, you can hover your mouse over the “Project” section to see our project.

Project section of our website

You can choose any particular project you want to visit and explore:)

All the steps to use are completely user-friendly so it isn’t difficult at all.

Now, if you want to test the models locally in your computer you can follow the upcoming steps.

For Air Quality Index Model

You can download the model directly from here.

Once you install it, please install a few libraries (make sure to have an internet connection), to do so , you may run these following commands in your command prompt:


pip install numpy
pip install joblib

Once, you’re done, create a new python file and run this following code:


import numpy
import joblib
#The inputs ( Please change these inputs to get your results)
# You may change the model directory if you want

make sure to keep airQualityModel.pkl near your python script, else you can even mention your custom path.

Hope you like our model:)

For Satellite Image Classification

You can download the model from here.

Once you install it, please install a few libraries (make sure to have an internet connection), to do so , you may run these following commands in your command prompt:


pip install tensorflow
pip install numpy

Once, you’re done, create a new python file and run this following code:


import numpy
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing import image
img = image.load_img("ChangeThisToYourImgPath", target_size=(224,224))
x = image.img_to_array(img)
x = numpy.expand_dims(x, axis=0)
x = x / 255.0
preds = model.predict(x)
#the outputs are in this following order
#agriculture ,mine,empty,blooming ,blow,clear,cloudy,convolutionary Mine,cultivation,deforestation,haze,partlyCloudy,primary,road,logging,pollution,water
# For example the first element in this list is the probability of agriculture

make sure to keep SuperImpModel.h5 near your python script, else you can even mention your custom directory.

Hope you like our model:)

EcoSight : An Ecotech Geek-A-Thon project, One step towards sustainability

Introducing the EcoSight Analytics by our team for the w3wiki EcoTech Hackathon. Our project combines a carbon footprint calculator, emission reduction tips, satellite image classification, and air quality index analysis empowering users to make informed decisions for a sustainable future. With interactive visualizations and a technology stack including Python, Django, and HTML, CSS, JavaScript for our project, it promotes greener lifestyles and fosters global environmental awareness. You can test it here.

Table of Content

  • Problem Statement
  • Overall Steps
  • Carbon Footprint Calculator
  • Satellite Image Classification:

  • Air Quality Index of India
  • Key Findings
  • How to use our model?

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Problem Statement

The environmental issues our planet grapples with are manifold, ranging from the relentless menace of climate change to the alarming decline in biodiversity, the pervasive pollution problem, and the ever-depleting natural resources. These challenges underscored the urgency for our tech-savvy generation to step up and make a difference. In this context, Data Science emerged as a potent ally, offering analytical tools and machine learning techniques that could revolutionize our approach to these pressing issues....

Our Team

Data Scientist/Backend: Shibam Roy – A passionate and skilled Data Analyst with a profound love for coding. His extensive knowledge of various programming languages and frameworks enables him to undertake complex data analysis projects. From childhood, Shibam has been dedicated to coding, resulting in an impressive portfolio of remarkable projects. He has knowledge in C++ , Python, Data Science, and DSA. His analytical mindset, creativity, and effective communication make him a valuable asset to any data-driven team. Front-end developer/UI designer: Ankush Roy – an integral member of the our team, known for his exceptional front-end development skills, mathematical acumen, and mastery of C++. His artistic eye elevates user experiences, while his passion for mathematics enriches data insights. With a strong grasp of C++. His adaptability and innovation align seamlessly with our mission to fuse data science and web development for transformative solutions. Data Scientist: Swadhin Maharana – a dynamic and accomplished individual who stands at the forefront of the exciting intersection of Data Science and Python programming. With an insatiable curiosity and a passion for unraveling complex patterns in data, Swadhin has established himself as a distinguished expert in his field....

Overall Steps

Our overall procedure included a few steps, and this could be explained very easily via a flowchart:...

Carbon Footprint Calculator


Satellite Image Classification:


Air Quality Index of India


Demo Screenshots


Key Findings


How to use our model?


Query Section




Data sources


