How to use stacktrace in C++?

We can use the stacktrace in C++ as shown:

1. Stacktrace Object Declaration

We first declare a stacktrace object using the syntax shown below:

std::stacktrace name;

2. Stacktrace Object Initialization

We initialize the newly created stacktrace object using the stacktrace::current() function.

std::stacktrace st = std::stacktrace::current()

C++ 23 – Header

Imagine you’re on an adventure, exploring a vast and dense forest. Along the way, you encounter challenges that might leave you feeling lost or confused. In such situations, a map or compass would be invaluable tools to guide you back on track.

Similarly, in the world of programming, stack traces serve as a map of sorts, helping you navigate the complex pathways of your code. They provide a detailed record of the function calls that led to a particular point in your program’s execution, much like a traveler tracing their footsteps on a map.

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Example of Stacktrace

C++ // C++ program to illustrate the use of stacktrace #include #include #include    using namespace std;    // dummy function void foo() {     // creating and initializing stacktrace object     stacktrace st = stacktrace::current();        // printing stacktrace     cout << to_string(st); }    // driver code int main() {        foo();        return 0; }...



FAQs on C++ Stacktrace

By capturing and manipulating stack traces, developers can pinpoint the root causes of errors, identify performance bottlenecks, and refine their code for enhanced efficiency. The header emerges as an indispensable tool for modern software development, empowering programmers to craft robust and efficient software with greater confidence....