How were Fundamental Duties Added?

Fundamental duties were not present in the Indian Constitution since its inception. They were added during the Prime Ministership of Indira Gandhi through the 42nd Constitutional Amendment in 1975, also regarded as the Mini Constitution due to introducing a plethora of new laws and policies. They were borrowed from the erstwhile USSR Constitution. Originally, 10 Fundamental duties were added to the constitution based upon the Swaran Singh Committee’s recommendations.

Later, the 11th fundamental duty was added through the 86th Constitutional Amendment, which provided for providing educational opportunities to children between 6 to 14 years. Thus in total, there are 11 fundamental duties in India. 

Why Fundamental Duties Are Not Enforceable By Law?

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What are Fundamental Duties?

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How were Fundamental Duties Added?

Fundamental duties were not present in the Indian Constitution since its inception. They were added during the Prime Ministership of Indira Gandhi through the 42nd Constitutional Amendment in 1975, also regarded as the Mini Constitution due to introducing a plethora of new laws and policies. They were borrowed from the erstwhile USSR Constitution. Originally, 10 Fundamental duties were added to the constitution based upon the Swaran Singh Committee’s recommendations....

Issues Behind Enforceability of Fundamental Duties:

There have been many debates on the issue of whether Fundamental Duties should be made enforceable by law. The critics behind this approach argue that these are very basic duties and any citizen might not follow them unintentionally based on normal circumstances. By enforcing them, we would only increase the burden on the police system to arrest people, and then the number of people in prisons would dramatically increase. Moreover, some fundamental duties appear vague and ambiguous, so any ordinary man might not understand them. While the advocates of making them enforceable cite examples that prove that enforcing fundamental duties are imperative and beneficial....


Fundamental rights and duties constitute a major part of the Indian Constitution. The state of the importance of fundamental duties in the Constitution may remain debatable, but their essence is crucially vital in Indian society. Every Indian must abide by the provisions of the eleven fundamental duties as it would lessen the burden on the government and create a co-habitable situation for us....